My favorite French food blogs
During the confinement, my husband and I have spent more time in the kitchen. After all, the four of us are here for lunches and dinners, so we need to cook more. We’ve been doing batch cooking to simplify our menus. But we are also baking the occasional brioche, chocolate cake, bread or cinnamon rolls. There are a few websites / blogs that I enjoy reading and making recipes from.
Clotilde Dusoulier is a French food writer who lives in Paris. She’s well known for her blog and her French podcast about managing emotions. Her recipes are fresh, accessible and seasonal. Her blog is written and English and French, which I highly appreciate, especially when I’m cooking with my husband. You can simply change the language by clicking on the upper right corner.
She has a practical ingredient conversion page and a French Food glossary for people who are not familiar with some French cooking verbiage.
Del is French and she is currently living in Vancouver, Canada, where she recently moved. I follow her on Instagram as well and her pictures always make me drool. Her whole blog and recipes are available in French and English as well (just click on the upper left to switch language). There’re a lot of French classics. Most of her recipes are healthy, and many accommodate several diets (like gluten free, vegan or plant-based). Her recipes are very accessible, I have a few of them printed in my recipe binder.
Rebecca lives in Colorado and shares recipes and tips she picked up from her French grandparents, her roots from New Mexico and her travels to France and Italy. She has a unique style and her recipes are rustic and comforting, yet elegant. I love following her on Instagram and watching her dishes sizzle.
Beeta lives in coastal Southern California. She flies often to Paris and shares her love for France with her recipes. She also shares some French lifestyle tips on her blog. I say she cooks pretty much like a French person, and her recipes are accessible for any home cook.
She’s a fellow French mom living in the United States. While in America, she yearned for French cooking every day and decided to learn how to cook and share easy recipes you can make in the US. She shares her French cuisine with American people.
What about you? Do you have any French food favorite blogs or websites? Share them with me in the comments.
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