Most common business idioms list

🅸 get the ball rolling🅴 We need to

get the ball rolling

to prepare our presentation for next week’s meeting.🅳 to make something start happening

🅸 start/get off on the right foot🅴 Everyone hopes to

get off on the right foot

when they start a new job.🅳 to start a relationship in a positive way

🅸 bring something to the table🅴 She


a great deal of experience

to the table

.🅳 to contribute something of value (to a company)

🅸 from the ground up🅴 Our boss built this company

from the ground



.🅳 to do something from the start/very beginning

🅸 get down to business🅴 We only have a limited time to discuss this today, so let’s

get down to business

.🅳 to start focussing on a specific task (after introductions/small talk)

🅸 think outside the box🅴 To be successful in our industry, we need staff who

think outside the box

.🅳 to think creatively and develop new and original ideas

🅸 by the book🅴 Our accountant does everything

by the book

so there are no problems in the future.🅳 to do things according to the rules or the law

🅸 rock the boat🅴 I told the new manager not to

rock the boat

before she gets to know her team.🅳 to do something which changes a stable routine and may cause problems

🅸 on the ball🅴 Your team are really

on the ball

and getting great results.🅳 to be competent, alert and quick to understand new things

🅸 throw in the towel🅴 One of the applicants competing for the new position has just

thrown in the towel

.🅳 to quit or give up something

🅸 on the same page🅴 We made a proposal to expand globally and the CEO is

on the same page

.🅳 to be in agreement or thinking in a similar way

🅸 word of mouth🅴

Word of mouth

is more reliable than adverts (or


recommendations).🅳 to communicate or tell people about something verbally (not in writing)

🅸 behind the scenes🅴 We gave a successful presentation and I need to thank all those

behind the scenes

.🅳 describes things that happen which the public don’t know about or see directly

🅸 hit the nail on the head🅴 You’ve

hit the nail on the head

regarding what has caused our drop in sales.🅳 to be exactly right when you describe something (e.g. the reason for a problem)

🅸 raise the bar🅴 Mobile phone manufacturers

raise the bar

every year with their new products.🅳 to increase standards or improve quality in something

🅸 back to square one🅴 Every aspect of our proposal was rejected by the CEO, so we are

back to square one

.🅳 describes when you need to start a project again from the beginning

🅸 (straight) from the horse’s mouth🅴 I heard

straight from the horse’s mouth

that the CEO is going to retire this year.🅳 to obtain information directly from the original or a reliable source

🅸 keep you on your toes🅴 Management make regular checks to



on their toes

.🅳 to describe something that makes you remain alert, energetic and ready

🅸 read between the lines🅴

Reading between the lines

, I don’t think my colleague actually wanted to resign.🅳 to find a hidden meaning in something said or written (e.g. feelings/intentions)

🅸 give the thumbs up🅴 I

got the thumbs up

from my boss about working from home every Friday.🅳 to show support and give approval

🅸 back to the drawing board🅴 The client rejected our first proposal, so we have gone

back to the drawing board

.🅳 to start something again because the previous attempt was unsuccessful

🅸 give someone a pat on the back🅴 Our line manager


us all

a pat on the back

for finishing the project early.🅳 to praise someone for an achievement

🅸 twist someone’s arm🅴 Can you

twist her arm

to work overtime today?🅳 to encourage/pressure someone to do something that they don’t want to

🅸 keep one’s eye on the ball🅴 I need to

keep my eye on the ball

because this industry is so competitive.🅳 to give your complete attention to something

🅸 do something/go behind someone’s back🅴 My team

went behind my back

and complained to the boss before speaking with me.🅳 to talk about someone or take action without their knowledge

🅸 put all one’s eggs in one basket🅴 I take some investment risks every year, but I never

put all my eggs in one basket

.🅳 to commit all your resources to a single idea or plan of action

🅸 cut one’s losses🅴 We’ve decided to

cut our losses

and close the restaurant.🅳 to stop an activity that is unsuccessful to avoid losing more money

🅸 hands are tied🅴 My boss said that she cannot give me a promotion because her

hands are tied

.🅳 not able to act in a particular way because of external reasons

🅸 off the top of your head🅴

Off the top of my head

, I can’t give an exact number of complaints we’ve received.🅳 to speak about some something without thinking in detail or checking facts

🅸 call it a day🅴 I think we have spent enough time discussing this project. Let’s

call it a day

.🅳 to stop doing something (to leave work or do something else)

🅸 see eye to eye🅴 He doesn’t always

see eye to eye

with his colleague about the future priorities.🅳 to agree with another person

🅸 work against the clock🅴 We’re always

working against the clock

to meet urgent deadlines.🅳 to aim to finish something before a specific time

🅸 go the extra mile🅴 Companies benefit from staff who

go the extra mile

.🅳 to make more effort to achieve something that is expected

🅸 learn the ropes🅴 We all have to

learn the ropes

when we start a new job.🅳 to learn how to do specific tasks or activities in a company

🅸 pull the plug🅴 The directors have decided to

pull the plug

on the project to expand in Asia.🅳 to stop a task or activity from continuing

🅸 all in the same boat🅴 We’re

all in the same boat

because our company is closing and we need new jobs.🅳 to be in the same difficult or unpleasant situation

🅸 hot off the press🅴 Our new brochure is

hot off the press

with all the latest products and special offers.🅳 describes something that has just been released or printed

🅸 the buck stops here🅴 My team is responsible for meeting the deadline.

The buck stops here

with us.🅳 emphasises who is ultimately responsible for something

🅸 the ball is in your court🅴 I’ve submitted our proposals to the CEO and now

the ball is in his court

.🅳 emphasises who is responsible for making the next decision

🅸 go down to the wire🅴 Discussions

went down to the wire

, but we finally reached an agreement.🅳 describes something that is not decided or certain until the very last minute

🅸 up in the airEverything is still

up in the air

about our company relocating to another office.🅳 describes when something is still undecided and plans are not yet finalised

🅸 ahead of the packWe’ve got five interns at the moment, but he is way

ahead of the pack

.🅳 describes someone who performs better than others in their team

🅸 hold the fortI need to

hold the fort

while the managing director is on maternity leave.🅳 to be responsible for something when someone else is unavailable

🅸 get your foot in the doorShe took an entry-level job to

get her foot in the door

and got promoted after 1 year.🅳 to take the first step with the aim to progress further in the future

🅸 go belly upSeveral of our competitors

went belly up

during the last recession.🅳 describes a company that fails or goes bankrupt

🅸 give someone the green lightThe directors have finally

given us the green light

to increase spending.🅳 to authorise or allow someone to do something

🅸 cut cornersCompanies should never

cut corners

with regards to health and safety.🅳 to do a task to a lower standard to save time or money

🅸 strike while the iron is hotI’m confident that this client will sign the contract if we

strike while the iron is hot

.🅳 to take action without delay when there is an opportunity to do something

🅸 get something off the groundWe need to find an investor who can help us


this project

off the ground

.🅳 to successfully get something started

🅸 in (out of) the loopOur manager forgets to keep us

in the loop

about changes to the sales targets.🅳 to be in (or outside of) a group of people that share information