Modify Network Monitor settings

Modify Network Monitor settings

Before you can receive e-mail or page alerts based on node events, you must configure your Network Monitor settings. These settings control the following configuration options:

  • Who to notify and for what events.
  • Message contents for node down, node warning, node up events.
  • Network Monitor database maintenance.
  • SMTP mail setup.
  • Polling intervals.
  • Icon and sound settings.
  • ICMP ping timeout and included data.

Set Network Monitor settings

  1. Click File > Settings.
  2. Click the Event Notification tab, and then specify the following:
  • E-mail / Pager Recipient:

Enter the comma-separated e-mail and pager addresses to notify when events occur. Network Monitor sends the events to all E-mail / Pager addresses entered here.

  • From E-mail Account:

Provide the name and reply address information for notifications sent by Network Monitor. Many pagers display the reply address as the name of the person who sent the page.

  • Event Types to send notification on:

Select the events for which you want notification.

Enter the comma-separated e-mail and pager addresses to notify when events occur. Network Monitor sends the events to all E-mail / Pager addresses entered here.Provide the name and reply address information for notifications sent by Network Monitor. Many pagers display the reply address as the name of the person who sent the page.Select the events for which you want notification.

You must turn on event notification for each node from which you want to receive notification. See View and modify node details and View Event details

  • Click the Messages tab, and then complete the following procedure:
    1. Click the event enter you want to customize, and then enter a subject line.
    2. Enter a custom message you want to use for this event. The following macros can be used in message bodies:
    • %NODENAME: name of device
    • %DATE: date of event
    • %TIME: time of event
  • Repeat this procedure for each event enter you want to customize.
  • Click the Database Size tab, and then enter the following:
    • Nightly Database Maintenance:

    Specify a time when maintenance should be performed.

    • Response Time Summarization:

    Specify when response time statistics are summarized into hourly averages, and when hourly averages can be summarized into daily averages.

    • Event Archiving:

    Specify when old events can be deleted

  • Click the SMTP Gateway tab.
    You must have an SMTP server configured for Network Monitor to send e-mail and page notifications. Specify the information:
    • SMTP Gateway:

    Provide the IP address or host name of the SMTP server you want to use for email and pager notification.

    • Retry attempts:

    Use the slider to select how many times an email or page will be attempted.

    • Show status:

    The E-mail Notification Service can display a status box whenever a message is sent to the SMTP server. The status window shows you the interaction between the notification service and the SMTP server, including any errors that occur.

  • Click the Polling tab, and then enter the following:
    • Poll Interval:

    Poll interval is the frequency with which the node is polled using ICMP for response time and packet loss.

    • Fast Poll Interval:

    Fast poll interval is the frequency with which the node is polled when packet loss occurs. If the device does not respond during the fast poll interval, it is considered down. While in the fast poll interval, it is considered in a warning state.

  • Click the Icons & Sounds tab, and then complete the following:
    1. To change the default icons, click Change Default Icons, select an icon, and then click OK.
    2. To change the default alarms, click the event for which you want to modify the alarm, select a sound, and then click OK.
    3. To mute the alarms, select Mute by the event you want to mute.
  • Click the ICMP tab, and then change the ICMP timeout to reflect your network speed and the data included with the packet. High-latency networks such as frame-relay or satellite networks can require longer ICMP timeouts.
  • Specify a time when maintenance should be performed.Specify when response time statistics are summarized into hourly averages, and when hourly averages can be summarized into daily averages.Specify when old events can be deletedProvide the IP address or host name of the SMTP server you want to use for email and pager notification.Use the slider to select how many times an email or page will be attempted.The E-mail Notification Service can display a status box whenever a message is sent to the SMTP server. The status window shows you the interaction between the notification service and the SMTP server, including any errors that occur.Poll interval is the frequency with which the node is polled using ICMP for response time and packet loss.Fast poll interval is the frequency with which the node is polled when packet loss occurs. If the device does not respond during the fast poll interval, it is considered down. While in the fast poll interval, it is considered in a warning state.