Mobility with an electric tricycle for adults

Why an electric tricycle for adults

An electric tricycle is an electric bike with three wheels that is equipped with an electric motor, also known as pedal support.
A traditional tricycle has two parallel wheels at the back of the bicycle, but these can also be mounted at the front. The degree of (pedal) support can be chosen from different levels. This can help a person who can’t cycle that far without support. At Van Raam, we think that people who can stay mobile for a longer time are happier. We work every day to give people their mobility (back) and to enable them to cycle again, for example with an electric bicycle for adults or electric tricycles for kids. Read more about this in the article ‘An adapted e tricycle from Van Raam’.
Electric Van Raam bikes with the original Van Raam pedal support system can cycle backwards. In this way, the user doesn’t have to get off the bike, the bike can easily be taken out of the parking position and because you don’t have to walk backwards with the bike, you can’t hurt yourself by the wheels either. You can also find out how the lighting works via the Van Raam electrical system in our article ‘Lighting via the Van Raam electrical system’. With the backwards cycling function it is possible to just turn around or park the bike easily. This makes the bike more agile and also safer.