Migrating to GCP? First Things First: VPCs

Migrating to GCP? First Things First: VPCs

Google Cloud’s Global Network and How to Get Started

VPNs VPNs VPNs — Look familiar?

Traditional VPCs are region-bound, meaning more VPNs more often.

Scaling across regions means scaling VPN gateways and overhead management.

Google’s global VPC

Google’s VPC lies on a global private network.

Google’s VPC allows private traffic to move from region to region.

  • You’re hosting globally distributed multi-tier applications, by creating a VPC with subnets.
  • Connecting GCP-hosted or externally-hosted databases to Google’s unique machine learning services, by creating a VPC with subnets and VPN access.
  • Or even Disaster recovery with application replication. Create backup GCP compute capacity, then revert back once the incident is over.
  1. You have a simplified network with a single global VPC with regional segmentation, meaning fewer VPNs and routers.
  2. You have simplified management. A single security policy can be applied globally. There are fewer network constructs to break and troubleshoot.

Why this matters

  1. You can plan for different IP ranges in the cloud than on-prem.
  2. Subnets under the same VPC cannot have overlapping IP ranges. This is so the routing Google is doing under the hood can route traffic to the correct set of VMs.
  3. When setting up hybrid connectivity, you can avoid headaches when extending your intranet to the cloud and finding out you have overlapping IP ranges.

Google’s VPC allows you to increase subnet IP ranges without disrupting your services. Huzzah!

Your wish is your command

gcloud compute networks create [NETWORK_NAME] \
--subnet-mode=auto \

gcloud compute networks subnets create [SUBNET_NAME] \
--network=[NETWORK] \
--range=[PRIMARY_RANGE] \

Weight off your shoulders

Now what?