Microsoft 365 Business Premium overview – Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Microsoft 365 Business Premium – productivity and cybersecurity for small business

In this article

Microsoft 365 Business Premium with its world class productivity tools is a wise choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Designed with cybersecurity in mind, Microsoft 365 Business Premium safeguards your data, devices and information. You are your organization’s first and best defense against hackers and cyberattackers, including random individuals, organized crime, or highly sophisticated nation states.

The task before you is this: let Microsoft 365 Business Premium help secure your organization’s future! Approach this task by taking on the following six missions:

Diagram listing your six missions.

Completing all six missions is the most effective way to thwart hackers, protect against ransomware, and help ensure your organization’s future is safeguarded with the best cybersecurity defenses. Let’s get started!


If you’re new to cybersecurity, or if a term is unclear, see the glossary of terms.

Cybersecurity playbook

The guidance in these missions is based upon the Zero Trust security model, and is summarized in a downloadable Cybersecurity playbook.

Cybersecurity playbook. Download this guide.

Next steps

Proceed to Fortify your environment.