Microsoft 365 Business Premium is Best for Most Businesses

If your organization is planning on utilizing Microsoft 365, you absolutely need your first 300 users to be licensed under the Business Premium plan. With its top-shelf cybersecurity features, no other M365 license captures both its savings and peace of mind.

The recent boom in remote work has created many shortcomings for organizational cybersecurity. Despite this, the trend of remote work is not expected to slow any time soon.

Now instead of securing just your locations’ perimeters, you must harden the security for each remote employee. Not just their endpoint, but the user themselves, their other devices, and the data stored on each of them.

Protection is most effective as close to the data as possible. That means having an elite defense at the application layer, which begins with your cloud.

Your cloud and the functions therein are likely your most leveraged technology. It goes without saying that it should be the most protected.

Below, we’ll explore why Business Premium has become Microsoft’s top offering for your dollar. If you are already wanting to upgrade to Business Premium, schedule a call with us today.