Meta Business Suite for PC – Free Download: Windows 7,10,11 Edition

  • Come On Facebook…

    By Qazwxssedcvbnh (Pcmac user)

    The app lacks a lot of functionality and is very glitchy. Example, when I view the home screen and try to scroll down, the app glitches and takes me back to the top of the page. This happens several times. Also, when I click on Followers, it only shows 1; but when I check using the computer, I see all of my followers. The app is also slow and can be cumbersome to navigate. There is a lot of functionality that is in the web version using a computer that isn’t available in the app. To some degree, this is understandable however some basic capabilities would be nice to have in the app. I could expand more into things it’s lacking but rather I’ll let the reviews speak for itself. It’s tough for us, the users, because we don’t always have a laptop with us and have to resort to using the app; personally, it’s my last resort. I’ll wrap up with mentioning the constant and relentless push to you as the user to purchase their marketing service (promoting your page). It’s constant and fills up your notifications. Trouble is, unless you click the notification to clear it, you don’t have any other option. So, these never phase out like notifications in the normal FB app but rather stay in there. Once you click on one of them, it’ll bug you later about finishing your page promotion. Very annoying…

  • So Buggy

    By Soundman1488_2 (Pcmac user)

    **Update April 17, 2019. Every update seems to remove features that are needed to manage pages properly. Now it is no longer possible to invite people to like your page if they interact with a post. Facebook will of course send you that notification telling you to invite them, but it is impossible to do it within the Pages app. FIX YOUR APP. How hard is it!? The notifications bug still persists and the fact that we can’t edit a scheduled post is crazy. This is ridiculous. We are your source of revenue, Facebook. Where’s the love!?**

    I love the idea of being able to manage pages from a separate app. Doing it through the main Facebook app is cumbersome. The problem is that this app itself is so buggy. Each update doesn’t seem to actually fix anything. I constantly have notifications that stick and don’t go away. All the time I have inbox notifications that are “fake”, meaning I click on them and there’s nothing there. One of big things that they recently removed is the ability to edit a scheduled post. I can see the list and even reschedule, post immediately, or delete. Why can’t I edit!?!? Please bring back this capability. Overall, Facebook needs to pay better attention to this app and make some serious improvements. We are, after all, the ones who are PAYING them for ads and things.

  • Challenging Now.

    By OB -T (Pcmac user)

    Recent changes have made this app a nightmare to use. I’m experiencing Lost messages and the inability to share posts & mentions from the app to my page. Recently we started getting notifications that NOTHING has happened on a post! Also now you must tap EVERY SINGLE notification to clear it. Not everything is an actionable item. I don’t want or need to click on every single line, comment and check-in. It’s a huge waste of my time when I can address multiple items on a post when viewing it. Please just alert notify me when I get a direct message (and then let me see it) and passively note activity (clearing the notifications once viewed, so we clearly understand when NEW activity is present) Those of us that are active on our pages should decide what requires action, clicking on every single notice is tedious and unhelpful. I’ve got notification fatigue from the constant red lights now, so then I ignore them & miss something important. Something is not right here. It’s not doing what it should do correctly and it’s added unnecessary steps. Bummer. You’ve made this app so critical to managing our pages, when it’s not working right, it’s extremely frustrating. Thank You. I’m sorry for complaining

  • So many issues

    By Indyjasmine (Pcmac user)

    I started using this app shortly after it came out. It was okay. I preferred to use the Facebook app, but this app was quicker for publishing quick updates and photos to my business page.

    Now, every time there’s an update, I have more issues. Fist thing I notice is that I don’t receive message notifications from my business page. Not a biggie, but inconvenient. Then I couldn’t see new messages at all. When this happened over Black Friday, I lost sales. The issue was finally rectified in December. My near perfect response rating was trashed, but that wasn’t a huge deal to me. Now, I have customers again complaining that I’m ignoring their messages. I have to search their name in my inbox before their new message shows up! Again, I’m losing sales because my customers find what they’re looking for before I even know they’ve messaged me! This isn’t an app-only issue, though. I’ve gotten into the habit of logging into my page from my desktop every single day, just to check messages, but I’m not seeing them there, either!

    I’ve spent advertising dollars on Facebook, with zero results, and I won’t be spending anymore. I’m incredibly frustrated with Facebook pages right now, and I’m reaching for a reason to stay. This app has officially received a termination notice. I’m done with it.