Meta Audience Network Mediation Integration Guide for SDK 6.4 and Below – IronSource Knowledge Center

Meta Audience Network Mediation Integration Guide for SDK 6.4 and Below

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to set Meta Audience Network live as an Ad Network on Unity LevelPlay. The integration process is completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Create a Meta Audience Network Account
    1. First Time Setup
    2. Registered Users
  2. Add Application in Meta Audience Network
  3. Create Ad Placement in Meta Audience Network
  4. Activate Meta Audience Network in your ironSource Network Setup Module
  5. Add the Meta Audience Network Adapter to your build

Before You Start
Make sure you have correctly integrated


Make sure you have correctly integrated Interstitial in your application.

Step 1. Create a Meta Audience Network Account

  1. First Time Setup
    1. Go to

      Meta for Developers

      and register with your Meta account.

    2. Accept the Meta Platform & Privacy Policy.
    3. Click ‘Register‘.
      Supersonic FB developer signup
  2. Registered Users
    1. Sign into your 

      Meta account.

    2. On the left sidebar you will see a section called Developer. Click on ‘Manage Apps’.

Step 2. Add Application in Meta Audience Network

You must add the app you’d like to run Interstitial Mediation on to your Meta Audience Network account. If the app has already been added to your account, you may skip to Step 3.

All newly created apps in your Meta account will by default be in TestMode. Once the Meta team has reviewed the placement, you will be able to activate live ads. To enable test ads while in test mode, you will have to add a code snippet to your client before loading an ad. Follow this article on Meta to request test ads.

  1. Add the app you’d like to run Interstitial Mediation on to your account. As a new user, you will be redirected to the below screen. As a registered user, simply hover over My Apps in the upper-right corner and click on ‘Add a New App‘.
    Supersonic FB Add App
  2. Select iOS or Android.
  3. Fill in your app’s name (even if it is not currently live in an app store).
  4. Click on “Create New Meta App ID“.
  5. Choose the category most relevant to your app.
    Supersonic FB Category
  6. Click on “Create App ID“.

Step 3. Create Ad Placement in Meta Audience Network


You must create a dedicated placement per platform (iOS and Android) in order for Meta Audience Network to work correctly with


‘s Mediation platform.

  1. To create ad placements for your app in your Meta account, go to the main dashboard and on the left sidebar under Products ➣ Audience Network, click on ‘Placements‘.
    Next, click on ‘Create Ad Placement’.
    ironSource FBA Create Ad Placement per OS
  2. The below window will then open and you must fill in the following details:
    1. Status: Enabled
    2. Name: Choose a Name for this placement (for example, App Load iOS)
    3. Steps to Trigger Ad: You can omit this part as this will be handled through your



    4. Display Format: Interstitial (App Only)
      ironSource Mediation FBA Placement Details
  3. Click ‘Save‘.

It is mandatory to create two separate placements for iOS and Android. We recommend creating one placement per ad location per application.

Step 4. Activate Meta Audience Network in Your


Network Setup Module

There are 2 pieces of Data from the Meta Audience Network account which need to be inserted into your ironSource Network Setup Module in order for Meta Audience Network to work correctly in connection with ironSource:

App ID
This is the unique identifier of your app in Meta Audience Network’s system.

Placement ID
 This is the unique identifier of a specific placement in your app in Meta Audience Network’s system.

App Token
The unique identifier of a call for a specific application. App Tokens are used to make requests to Meta APIs on behalf of an app rather than a user. This can be used to modify the parameters of your app, create and manage test users, or read your apps’ insights.

Once you obtain this information, you must configure Meta Audience Network’s Parameters in your ironSource Account. By adding the above information correctly, you will be able to take full advantage of Meta’s interstitial ad inventory and reporting data on ironSource’s Mediation platform.

  1. App ID
    To retrieve your App ID, hover over My Apps in the upper-right corner and click on the specific app of which you want to see the App ID. This will take you to your Meta Audience Network Dashboard. Here you will see the specific App ID:
    Supersonic FB App ID
  2. Placement ID
    To retrieve your Placement ID, click on ‘Audience Network’ in the left sidebar on your Meta Audience Network Dashboard.

    1. Get Started‘.
      Supersonic FB Audience Network Services

      Check the box to accept the Terms of Service and click ‘‘.

    2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and create an Ad Placement.
      Supersonic FB Add Placement
    3. You will then see the below window open.
      Supersonic Placement DetailsFill in the placement details:

      1. Name
      2. Steps to Trigger Ad (here you should fill in what steps an end user must take to see an ad)
      3. Select Interstitial as Display Format
      4. Ensure Status is Enabled.
      5. Click ‘Save‘.
    4. Scroll down to see your Placement ID at the bottom of the page.
      Supersonic FB Placement ID
  3. App Token
    To retrieve your App Token, go to Tools & Support on the top menu.

    1. On the left sidebar, under Tools, click on ‘Access Token Tool‘.
      FB Supersonic IS Mediation App Token
    2. You will then be directed to the page with your App Token:
      FB Supersonic IS Mediation App Token Retrieval

Configure Meta Audience Network’s Parameters into



  • Once you have all these parameters, log in to your


    account and go to ‘Monetize‘ ➣ ‘Mediation‘ ➣ ‘Network Setup‘.
    Network setup

  • Select Meta from the list of Available Ad Networks and click on ‘Activate’.


    Note: To run Interstitial Mediation with Meta, you must have an active Meta Audience Network Account. When you select Meta as a network, you will see the below pop-up. If you have an active Meta account, simply click activate and Save. If you do not have an active Meta account, you must register at

    : To run Interstitial Mediation with Meta, you must have an active Meta Audience Network Account. When you select Meta as a network, you will see the below pop-up. If you have an active Meta account, simply click activate and Save. If you do not have an active Meta account, you must register at Meta Audience Network and follow this documentation from Step 1

    Network setup

  • Select the app on which you’d like to run


    ‘s Interstitial Mediation with Meta.
    Select app

  • Select Meta Audience Network from the Setup list of Ad Networks, click on the Define icon and insert the App ID, Placement ID and App Token in the relevant fields.
    Define networkApp settings
  • Then set status to Active and click ‘Save’. You will then see Meta as Active for Interstitial Mediation on your Mediation Dashboard.
    Activate network
  • New!

    Verify your integration with the Reporting API; this column will check your integration through the Reporting API and return three possible responses: Verified, Failed and No Response. Double check your integration and the information you entered above; then click ‘Retry‘ until you see ‘Verified’.

Step 5. Add the Meta Audience Network Adapter to Your Build


ironSource supports both Gradle dependencies and manual download mechanisms.


  1. Make sure the following Maven URL exist in your build.gradle script of your app module (should appear only once for all the adapters).
    repositories {
    maven {
    url ""
  2. Add the adapter’s Maven name to your build.gradle script of your app module.
    dependencies {
        compile 'com.supersonic.adapters:facebookadapter:2.1.2@jar'

 Manual download:

  1. Download the Meta Audience Network Adapter:
    Add the Meta Audience Network Adapter to your build. You can find the latest Meta Audience Network Adapter here.


    The Meta Audience Network Adapter also contains the Meta Audience Network jar. You DON’T need to additionally 

    add the Meta Audience Network jar directly.

  2. Add the Meta Audience Network Adapter to your project:
    After you download the Adapter; drop the Meta Audience NetworkAdapter jar into the libs folder in your Android Project.
    Supersonic Drop Jar into Libs
  3. Make sure you add the following to your Gradle build file under the dependencies section:

    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

Step 6. Update AndroidManifest.xml

Manifest Permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Manifest Activities:
Add the following activities inside the <application> tag in your manifestAdditions:



Verify Your Ad-Network Integration

The ironSource SDK provides an easy way to verify that your mediation integration was completed successfully. To verify your ironSource and additional Ad Networks integration, follow this document.

You are now all set to deliver Meta Audience Network Interstitial Ads through the ironSource Interstitial Mediation platform!

What’s Next?

To add additional Interstitial Ad networks, follow the integration guides on our 

To add additional Interstitial Ad networks, follow the integration guides on our Supported Ad Networks list.