Mega Man Battle Network 6 – MMHP


Lan’s dad is transferred to Central Town, the heart of Cyber City. Lan says goodbye to his old friends and prepares to meet some new ones. He’ll face new areas and new challenges, but some old foes

Cybeast Falzar and Cybeast Gregar. Largely the game interface seems unchanged from the

  • The Regular Chip system has been adjusted to allow for “Tag Chips” as well.
  • Soul Unisons have been replaced with a new system called “Link Navis” (otherwise known as “Cross Changes”). They’re virtually identical to Soul Unisons in all ways except how you activate them.
  • Dark Chips have gone into hiding, and now you get the Dark Chip related berserk mode using “Beast Over” instead.

This game comes in two versions,and. Largely the game interface seems unchanged from the previous one except for the new environment. There are a few alterations to the game play:

Tag Chips

Once you pass a certain point in the plot, you are allowed to set up two “Tag Chips” on your Folder Edit screen. Unlike Regular Chips, tagged chips are still subject to the random draw; however, when one of them comes up on your Custom Screen during battle, you are guaranteed* to get the other one as well. This way, if you need, say, a Fan in order to take advantage of a powerful sword attack, you can pair them together so that you always get one when you get the other.

(* There is a bug with the Tag Chip system which can prevent you from getting both chips at once. Basically, when your first chip is chosen in the random draw, the second chip is always placed to the right of it. However, if the first chip ends up in the rightmost slot in your Custom Screen window, the second one will be in the slot to the right, which is off the window; therefore, you can’t see it or select it. It’ll appear the next round, though, if you use some chips to allow it to “scroll” on.)

You cannot tag your Regular Chip, and you cannot tag chips that go over a certain MB limit.

Link Navis / Cross Change

This is the new system that replaces Soul Unisons. The main difference here is that you can activate a Cross Change at any time that you choose, and you can stay in Cross mode as long as you like (unless you get knocked out of it; see below). You do not have to “sacrifice” chips to activate the mode and there is no counter that limits how many rounds you can stay in Cross mode. Use it in every battle if you wish.

To activate a Cross, just press Up (on the control pad) while on the Custom Screen until you see the list of Link Navis, and choose one. If you pick a Cross and change your mind before you close the Custom Screen, you can cancel it by pressing B (you might have to press it a few times if you need to back out of choosing Battle Chips as well).

You can only use each Cross once per battle. If you are hit with an attack that your Cross Change is weak against, you take double damage and lose the form, so be careful to select your Cross wisely.

Beast Out and Beast Over

Beast mode is similar to a Soul Unison in that it gives you specific abilities and changes your charged shots. Like the Soul Unisons of previous games, each round that you use Beast Out mode will consume 1 point from the total points displayed by MegaMan’s face portrait (known as his emotion window) during battle. (You can delay turns, however, by just not opening your Custom Screen.) When you run out of points, MegaMan will revert. Unlike Soul Unisons, your points are retained across battles. At 0 points, MegaMan is stuck in “tired” mode and you cannot go Full Synchro or use Beast mode (except as mentioned below). For every battle that you fight where you do not use Beast Out mode, you gain one point to his emotion window, up to a maximum of 3.

If you run your emotion points down to 0, revert, and then use Beast Out mode again in that same battle, MegaMan will go into a berserk mode virtually identical to the “dark soul” mode you could get in previous games by using Dark Chips. If you risk activating this, try to end the battle within that turn because once MegaMan reverts (which he will do automatically at the end of the round; you cannot avoid opening your Custom Screen in this case), he becomes extremely vulnerable.

Virus Battling

This is a mini-game you can activate a short way into the game which allows you to pit viruses against each other. The viruses fight automatically, and if your team wins within the time limit, you can earn a reward.

Once you have a Battler Card, you can pick up more viruses by fighting and winning battles containing “Rare” viruses that will pop up randomly on the Net. You can only collect each virus once.

Winning virus vs. virus battles is half strategy and part luck. You must know the virus attack patterns (they are the same as when you fight them) in order to choose your viruses effectively, but since viruses can get Counter Hits on each other and such, luck still plays a role.