Meet Jose Thomas of Network Capital in Brickell – Voyage MIA Magazine | Miami City Guide

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jose Thomas.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I was 6 years old when I first remember getting asked the question what I wanted to be when I grew up, at the time all I knew was a hardwood court and what time I needed to be home, my answer was always the same and until I made it here, stood the same, NBA. All I knew was basketball and million-dollar contracts I read about online to make it out of the neighborhood I was from, Little Havana. As I got closer to graduation and realized my physical abilities didn’t match my life aspirations, no matter how much I believed in myself, my life goals started to change. I always knew I wanted to be in the NBA, super successful, with a ton of Money. But WHY did I want it and how would I get there always was my “journey”. When I graduated, I had a couple of division 1 basketball offers but knew the road to the NBA was what I never like to say, nearly impossible. I got a job as a warehouse employee after a year out of Miami trying out the college life in Tallahassee, which was so insignificant, one sentence literally sums it up. After getting back, I was still the money-hungry kid chasing that million dollar contract. After my mother, nagging me to apply for bank teller jobs I came across this Craigslist ad that said 100K+ yearly no experience. I applied right away and a week later received a random call from Network Capital Funding Corporation offering me an interview, which I found odd given my highest level of experience on my resume was captain of my high school basketball team, literally. I went in for a “Mortgage Banker” interview at the time not knowing this position required me to take a test and pass to get the job. Then I had 60 days to prove myself on the sales floor IF I passed to stay in this large corporation. Three weeks after studying passing my test and hitting the floor, I start taking off with my confidence and become one of the top salesmen on the floor. Then I meet Ronald Jimenez and Tri Nguyen, at the time I was just another Trainee that passed their test, fast forward four years, and that 100k+ yearly doubled, nearly tripled. Now I’m the director of my own Network Capital branch at 23 years old. Top 1% of Mortgage Bankers in the nation the last three years and top mortgage banker by volume in south/central Florida by volume averaging 53+ million in loan volume over the last four years.

Now my office in Midtown is composed of people that don’t have the experience per se, but the drive and motivation I’ve had since I was born, making them all over 6 figure a year earners. And now my goal is everything goes according to plan in this city if you keep the same mindset, it just might be a different route you predicted.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
The biggest obstacle was being 19 years old with no college degree, in a sales floor filled with accomplished professionals, salesmen and college graduates. But keeping the same mindset that I was meant for this and believing in myself to push through, which brought me to where I am now.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Network Capital – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
I specialize in providing home loans for clients in Florida and California. What sets me apart is I am not just another mortgage banker. I understand the importance of the majority of every client my transaction being the biggest asset which is their home loan. Especially growing up in Miami and now having an office in So. Cal, where the majority of my clients are first-generation Americans. I take pride in providing my clients the American dream, which is acquiring a home for your family.

Is there anyone in particular you would like to recognize? Mentors, etc?
Raymunda Bermudez – My grandmother, if you’re from Miami, you know enough about why my Abuela is the single most important person in my life.

Ronald Jimenez – My biggest mentor in this business, taught me everything I know about mortgages and took a trainee of a 400+ employee company and saw something in me that made him take me under his wing. Four years later we have our own branch together for Network Capital and are partners.

Tri and Hugh Nguyen – owners of network capital for 17 years. For starting a company which really gives you the opportunity of starting from the bottom and working your way to the literal top of the company, being mutual partners in the home loan process for our clients!

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 786-725-0970
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Instagram: josethomasmia
  • Facebook: networkcapitalfunding
  • Twitter: networkcapital

Image Credit:
Network Capital Funding Corp

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