Mastering CAN Network: Vector CANoe,CANalyzer, CAPL& Theory

  • Learn the general network communication principles

  • · Have an Idea of the OSI layer

  • · Learn in detail the CAN OSI physical layer

  • · Analyze the real CAN network in real vehicles

  • · Be able to face with an automotive harness issue

  • · Learn in detail the Vector CANOE software

  • · Learn in detail the CAPL language to stimulate CAN messages on a real CAN Network

  • · Learn the CAN transceiver function with the related electronic circuit

  • · Learn all the Vector CANOE software add on components:

  • CAN network database ( CAN DB + +)

  • Define CAN nodes

  • Define CAN Messages

  • Define CAN signals

  • Assign value tables to CAN signals

  • Define the relevant value attributes to run properly the CAN simulation

  • CAN interactive generator block

  • CAN Replay block

  • Take a CAN log acquisition

  • Fields of the CAN trace window

  • Visual panel programming ( switch on a virtual car engine , virtual acceleration and deceleration , showing of the engine speed on an analog gauge)

  • ·Integral videos, in my workshops you will see what is happening in real time , I do not cut and paste the video recordings

  • Continue troubleshooting Vector CANOE run time errors and compilation

· No required previous knowledge is required,

· I will explain step by step what you need for to pass from Beginner to Advanced Automotive Expert

Apply immediately for automotive programming/ testing positions!