Major: International Business – BigFuture | College Board

Do you want to travel and explore other countries? Are you fascinated by foreign cultures? Maybe you’ve got an idea for a T-shirt that would sell great in China. Or maybe you know of a Swedish recipe that restaurant diners in your hometown would gobble up.

Thinking globally — and understanding how to bring different cultures together — is the first step in understanding international business.

International business majors learn how to think globally about the business world. They also learn how to manage multinational businesses and turn local and national companies into international success stories.

“It is exciting to see a student … discover that, contrary to her prior beliefs, the United States is not the center of the universe.”Ann-Mary Kapusta, Associate Dean, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University

Are You Ready To…?

  • Write business plans that describe your business ideas in detail
  • Be sensitive to cultural differences
  • Learn how to sell products around the world
  • Study other cultures
  • Pick up a second language
  • Research competitors
  • Understand international economics

It Helps To Be…

Creative, flexible, and interested in traveling and learning about other cultures. It also helps to be good with numbers, confident, and a clear communicator.

College Checklist

  • Will you be required to learn a second language?
  • Are there internship opportunities with an international focus? In other countries?
  • How many professors are in the department? Make sure you’ll get the attention you deserve.
  • What have the professors achieved in the business world?
  • What career paths have recent grads taken?
  • Will you have the chance to study abroad?
  • Is the school of business accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business?

Did You Know?

Your first job out of college probably won’t be in Paris or Australia. Those jobs come with experience and success.

Course Spotlight

Whether you hope to head up the Tokyo office of a multinational company or sell restaurant supplies to Italians, you’ll need to know the local tongue. Language study comes in all shapes and sizes, including semester-long courses, intensive courses (the express route to language skills), and study abroad. 

Living in another country is a great way to learn not only the language, but the culture. And understanding cultural differences is all important in international business.