



Abacus Magisword

This Magisword functions as an ordinary abacus, and is used to solve simple mathematical problems. Ralphio showed it to the Warriors in “Champions of Breakfast”, but neither of them bought it, as they apparently had little interest.

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Accordion Magisword

A Magisword that functions as an Accordian, owned by Prohyas. On long journeys, Prohyas likes to play this to keep from getting bored. It has no offensive properties unless your enemy absolutely can’t stand accordions. It’s not one of a kind, but it’s pretty uncommon. It can generate melodies by tapping into the brain of its wielder.

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Acorn Arsenal Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Royal Tower Rescue”. It will shoot a long line of large acorns at its opponent.

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All Ears Magisword

This Magisword can be used to hear things in far off places or through walls.

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Anvil Magisword

This Magisword can shoot anvils. It belongs to Noville. It was first seen in “Letter Wronging Campaign”. Noville used this magisword to scramble the words of the book monster’s attack.

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Attractive Voice Magisword

This sentient sword speaks in a very convincing manner. Use it to talk your way out of trouble. It’s a very uncommon sword. And uncommonly persuasive. Voiced by Kyle Carrozza.

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Auto Style Magisword

This sentient Magisword will give anyone a makeover or a new hairstyle.

It belongs to Princess Zange, and was first seen in “Get That BORFL!”. It mistakenly identifies everyone it encounters as “Princess Zange”, suggesting that, despite its sentience, it is not particularly intelligent. Voiced by Gaby Sanalito.

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Baby Booty Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Passe Pirate” It can shoot baby booties that vary in size.

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Bacon Magisword

This Magisword shoots strips of bacon. Delicious, delicious strips of bacon. It’s part of this complete breakfast.

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Bag of Snakes Magisword

This Magisword produces adorable snakes as well as burlap sacks to hold them.

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Ball of Yarn Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in the possession of Bimm in “Quest for Knowledge”. It resembles a large ball of yarn, and can shoot strands of yarn.

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Balloon Animal Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in “Suitable Armor”. It can create large balloon animals that can float.

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Ballpoint Magisword

This Magisword can write on any surface, in any color desired. It is similar to the more common Pencil Magisword, but more permanent. It is standard for use on Galacton forms.

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Basketball Magisword

This Magisword produces basketballs which poof out of existence after your make a basket.

It first appeared in “Grup Jam”. As its name implies, it can shoot basketballs, despite Basketball not existing prior to its debut episode.

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Bear Claw Magisword

This Magisword was seen in “A Mind Is a Terrible Thing”. It has the the ability to make pastries/donuts in the shape of bear claws.

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Beehive Magisword

The Magisword was first seen in The Wrath of Neddy. It has the ability to shoot honey, launch a swarm of bees and shoot honeycombs.

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Beginner Shield Magisword

This Magisword acts like a shield, except it breaks against strong attacks and cannot be used again.

The sword seems to be inspired by the Deku Shield from the 1998 video game The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, being the first usable shield that is destroyed upon catching fire.

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Big Bad Boot Magisword

The Big Bad Boot Magisword creates steel-toed big bad boots and can break doors for dramatic entrances. Vambre used it to interrogate pirates in “Bad Bad Cop”. It can also be used to shoot boots at the opponent.

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Birdcall Magisword

This sword has the ability to summon birds, as shown in “The Mystery of Loch Mess“. It also can replicate any bird call. Voiced by Kyle Carrozza.

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Bite Beast Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Dino Ducking”. It can create wild monsters called Bite Beasts, which have a tendency to bite anything around them.

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Bling Bling Magisword

The Bling Bling Magisword is a Magisword that looks like a sword, but is gold-plated and has gems on it. Vambre splurged their earnings that was suppose to be used for rent to buy it in the short “Walkies”. It can turn any person into a “blinged out” person by shooting out diamonds and other jewels.

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Blow Dryer Magisword

This sword sends enemies flying backwards in a gust of hot air, while also making their hair look FAAAAAABULOOOOOUS! It operates as a giant, stupidly powerful blow dryer.

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Body Poppin’ Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Delirious Dancing” It causes the target to dance in a modern, funky fashion.

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Bok Choy Magisword

One of Hoppus’ Magiswords which Prohyas (Under the conscience of his stomach) stole in Gut Feelings. It is able to summon Bok Choy.

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Bonehead Magisword

The Bonehead Magisword can shoot out bones and skulls. It appears in “The Cave of Gelatinous Doom! “.

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Boomerang Magisword

This Magisword is used by Prohyas and Vambre to retrieve the Taunting Jester Magisword in “Surely You Jest-O”. It behaves like a true boomerang (as a projectile weapon), but will not return to the owner if it is stuck in a solid object, in which case the user must recover it manually.

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Boulder Magisword

This Magisword has the power to create boulders. This sword belonged to Prohyas after he and Vambre found it in a cave and Prug let them keep it in To Boulderly Go. It is one of the most commonly used Magiswords.

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Brick Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Witchy Simone Ruins Everything”. It can lay bricks, useful for building barriers when needed.

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Bronze Statue Magisword

This Magisword can apparently turn anything into a heavy bronze statue, and was first seen in “Squideo Games”.

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Bubble Pop Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Meatier Milking” It can produce sheets of bubble wrap. The bubbles, when popped, make a loud, satisfying noise.

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Bulldozer Magisword

This Magisword can be used to hit things like they were hit by a bulldozer. It appeared in the episode “Don’t Read the Comments”, when Prohyas used it to hit the Pooka Shell Tree.

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Bunch of Little Holes Magisword

The Bunch of Little Holes Magisword is shaped like a holed spatula. Its ability is to slice things into smaller pieces. Vambre used it against a brick that Prohyas was holding in the short, “Stairways & Spiders”.

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Bus Stop Magisword

This Magisword can create bus stops, which can be used to summon buses for transportation (though it sometimes takes a while for the buses to get there). It first appeared in “Mall of Shame”.

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Butterfly Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Barren Quicksand”. It wraps a cocoon around a target and, when they emerge, they’ll have removable, one-time-use butterfly wings.

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Cactus Magisword

This Magisword shoots needle-covered cactus balls, good for building a quick, pointy barrier. The Warriors obtained this by defeating an Attacktus and pushing it’s button.

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Candy Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Collection Infection “, wielded by Prohyas. It is able to shoot out several tooth-rotting candy pieces at its targets.

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Cardboard Replica Magisword

The Cardboard Replica Magisword has the power to create cardboard replicas of whatever the creator imagines. It does require some level of artistic skill to use at any real proficiency.

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Carnivorous Plant Magisword

The Carnivorous Plant Magisword can devour anything within its line of sight, living or not. It cares not for the alignment of what it eats, nor does it distinguish between living and nonliving. It possesses free will, and will not listen to its wielder, meaning extreme caution is needed when handling it. It can eat other Magiswords if it so chooses, and swallows its food whole. Its vines can act as whips or allow it to grapple across long distances, and are both prehensile allowing it to grab food too far away for it reach. Remarkably it is grown from a seed, when watered with tears, and if destroyed, can create smaller plants resembling it, that may possibly grow into new versions. Eric Bauza provides the vocal effects for the Magisword.

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Carrot Magisword

This Magisword slices things like one would slice a carrot using a move called, Interestingly enough, “Carrot Slice.” It can also shoot carrot chips.

The Carrot Magisword is Hoppus’ main weapon. Ironically, this makes it the only Magisword as of yet able to function as an actual sword.

Hoppus seems to care about the sword very much, as shown in Gut Feelings, where he shows the warriors a locket with a picture of the Carrot Magisword in it and a “H + CM” on the other side of it.

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Cat Burgle Magisword

Cat Burgle Magisword first appeared in King of the Zombeez it can burgle anything from anyone just like a cat burglar

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Cat Tongue Magisword

This Magisword looks like a giant cat tongue, and is good for lapping up liquids, though it can take a very long time if there is a lot of liquid. Like a real cat tongue, it is eerily rough. It debuted in “Don’t Read the Comments”.

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Catnip Mouse Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Dragonators”. It looks like a catnip mouse on a string attached to a pole. It is strongly effective against cats, causing them to fall into a deep-focused yet fascinated trance.

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Cayenne Pepper Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Sluggernaut”. It can shoot spicy cayenne pepper that can inflict fire breath on the consumer.

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Celery Magisword

The Celery Magisword is wielded by Vambre as seen in To Boulderly Go, the first short of the Mighty Magiswords shorts. It’s powers are to make things smell like celery, or shoot stalks of celery at any size.

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Cement Truck Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Barren Quicksand”. It can produce cement.

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Chainsaw Magisword

This Magisword can be used to cut things, similar to the Carrot Magisword, but with a different physical technique. It can cut down trees, split boulders in half, and can possibly cut through some other materials, as well. However, while it has great cutting power, it lacks precision. It is one of Prohyas’ most frequently-used Magiswords.

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Cheese Magisword

The Cheese Magisword fires projectiles of varying types of cheese at its targets and can create any object using cheese as a material. The more complex the shape the user is trying to create, the harder one must concentrate.

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Chillax Mist Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Royal Tower Rescue” It can spray a green mist that causes its target to feel calm and relaxed.

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Choo Choo Magisword

This Magisword looks like a train. It can shoot steam from its hilt, and summon trains as well as train-related items (despite Trains and Steam Locomotives not existing in Lyvsheria). It was introduced by Grup in “Hideous Hound”.

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Clam Clamp Magisword

clam clamp Magisword can summon clams to clamp on the oponenent

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Clapping Magisword

The Clapping Magisword fires beams of energy of clapping, forcing people to break out in applause. It’s appearance is similar to that of a children’s clapping hand noisemaker toy. Prohyas used it against the pirates in the episode “Case Clothed” but they later clap-attacked him.

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Claw Magisword

This Magisword was first seen on Cartoon Network Anything. King Rexxtopher was guarding this Magisword, and Prohyas and Vambre had to use some of their Magiswords to wake him up. King Rexxtopher uses it to reach things that his short arms cannot grab.

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Confusing Alien Magisword

The Confusing Alien Magisword is a magisword with various abilities that is found in Galacton. It was sought by the Warriors for Hire, but was stolen by Nohyas, before ultimately being taken by a small UFO. Some of its powers include shooting (or summoning) ducks, changing someone’s voice, changing the color scheme of clothing, and creating a hole in the fabric of time and space (which, in Nohyas’ case, transported him to Slugburger).

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Cornan’s Unnamed Magisword

This Magisword is Cornan’s signature Magisword. Its only known attack is the “Glitter Sparkle Attack” which covers the target in glitter. The name of this Magisword has yet to be revealed.

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Cuckoonut Magisword

This Magisword can fire coconuts with bird heads at the target as seen in “Dunkadelic”. The bird-headed coconuts make a hollow “clunk” sound upon impact.

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Cuddle Puppy Magisword

The Cuddle Puppy Magisword shoots out small, young dogs at a rapid rate. The puppies are all different species.

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Cuppa Joe Magisword

This Magisword is shaped like a coffee pitcher and it has the ability to produce coffee, either by itself or with a mug of its own. Prohyas often uses it to drink coffee as shown in the episode when he was trying to free his tongue from the ice door in “Mushroom Menace”.

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Cursed Garlic Magisword

This Magisword is evil and sentient that can create cursed, foul-smelling garlic that turns the consumer into a hungry monster with a garlic odour. It was shown in “Hangry Hangry Hoppus”.

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Dairy Product Magisword

The Dairy Product is shaped like a cow’s udder. Three of its powers are: “Butter Blast” where the user shoots sticks of butter at the opponent; “Ice Cream Headache” in which the user shoots scoops of ice cream at the opponent; and “Cream Cheese Please” which shoots cream cheese at the opponent. Prohyas and Nohyas used it against each other in the short, “Identity Theft”.

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Dancing Bear Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Delirious Dancing” It can force bears to start dancing and can presumably create dancing bears.

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Darlin’ Narwhal Magisword

This sentient Magisword was the focus of the episode “Unconventional Dolphinism”, where Vambre brought Witchy Simone along with her on her search for this Magisword while Prohyas attended a Dolphin Convention with Dolphin Magisword. However, despite the apparent rarity of this Magisword, its only apparent power at first is the ability to make cutesy hearts. This Magisword is later shown (When specifically used by Prohyas) To make any thing hit with the hearts instantly fall in love with whatever and whoever it is looking at or around it.

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Decision Making Magisword

decision making magisword makes decisions for the user

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Dirt Magisword

The Dirt Magisword is capable of conjuring dirt and firing it at the opponent. It also has the ability to manifest earthworms, capable of grabbing objects. It takes the form of a heap of dirt, backwards as the sword hilt looks like a blade of grass. The top has a worm at its end.

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Diving Suit Magisword

The diving suit Magisword has the ability to apply a fully functioning diving suit onto the user and its target instantly. the suits are completely waterproof and can supply air to the user.

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Dolphin Magisword

The Dolphin Magisword was Prohyas’ very first Magisword, given to him by his mother, so it has major sentimental value in addition to being ridiculously cute.

It was first seen in “To Boulderly Go” when he and Vambre used various magiswords to try to move a rock. Being a sentient Magisword, Prohyas treats it more as a pet than a weapon. It is sentient to the point it can even use other magiswords.

Its main power is “Dolphin Water” where it can shoot a stream of water. Dolphin Magisword is usually voiced by stock sound clips of dolphins, but when it was sick in “Squirreled Domination” its coughs and sneezes were voiced by Candi Milo.

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Don’t Touch That Dial Magisword

A Magisword that can temporarily level up or level down anything depending on the number you set it to.

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Double Face Magisword

This Magisword made a brief cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at Ralphio’s House of Swords. Prohyas was looking at the sword before Vambre told him to look at the Rubber Spiky Magisword. It has a green face frowning face and a purple smiling face. It can double the face of the target, as shown in “The Incredible Tiny Warriors”.

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Drippy Candle Magisword

This Magisword made a brief cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at Ralphio’s House of Swords. While Prohyas was looking at the Nose Magisword, this sword appeared underneath it. It can create candles.

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Droopy Clothes Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in “Adventure Academy: Snow Decoy” It can shoot a stream of liquid that causes clothes (like shirts, pants, hats, etc.) to droop in a sloppy manner.

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Dummystein Magisword

The Dummystein Magisword is a sentient Magisword modeled after Frankenstein’s monster, discovered in “The Curse of Dummystein”. The sword is only sentient once it manages to steal the voice of a living being, most often being Vambre. Once it has adopted a voice, the sword will tell nonstop funny jokes in the style of a standup comedian, but returns to its inert state upon restoring its stolen voice.

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Electric Eel Magisword

Modeled after an electric eel, this Magisword can extend to be used as a grappling hook, as well as shock whatever its teeth manage to bite into. Most often used by Vambre, but sometimes by Prohyas as well.

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Electric Guitar Magisword

A Magisword that can be played like an actual electric guitar, similar to how Accordion Magisword can be played like an actual accordion. Witchy Simone obtained one prior to “Unconventional Dolphinism”, where she uses it to ask various people if they have seen the Darlin Narwhal Magisword.

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Electric Razor Magisword

A Magisword resembling a large electric razor, typically used by Prohyas to shape his sideburns and soul-patch. It seems to have very little practical use otherwise.

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Excaliburger Magisword

A large Magisword that is able to produce Propellerburgers, which are hamburgers that fly through the air using propeller blades. The Propellerburgers can be used for offensive purposes, or as a means of distracting an opponent. The propeller burgers can seemingly be devoured for food as well, despite Vambre’s claim that food produced by magiswords has no actual nutritional value.

Propellerburgers seem to be composed of actual hamburger meat, as opposed to the yellow-colored Slugburgers bought at Slugburger. They contain meat, lettuce and tomato on a sesame seed bun.

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Excavator Magisword

A Magisword modeled after an Excavator. It can be used  to dig and scoop up objects.

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Exploding Bubble Magisword

A Magisword modeled after a bubble wand. The sword can produce soap bubbles of varying sizes which explode with concussive force after a certain amount of time. They can be used offensively as well as physical steps to ascend into the air.

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Extendo Flick Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Whack a Shark”. the glove extends to reveal an smaller glove that delivers a powerful nose flick.

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Fencing Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in “School’s In, Oh Bummer!”, this Magisword can make picket fences, helpful for creating barriers.

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Fight Wig Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Oasis of Fear” It can shoot toupees that fight.

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Fireworks Magisword

This Magisword shoots decorative fireworks explosions. Anytime you need celebratory pyrotechnics, this is your sword.

The Fireworks Magisword has the ability to make things into a fireworks show. Grup used it to introduce his famous Grup Soup to Dolphin Magisword for the third time in the episode “Squirreled Domination” but Prohyas took it away since it might wake Dolphin Magisword up.

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Fish Head Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Whack a Shark” It can inexplicably contort to bop its target.

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Fish Stick Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Fickle Fishing” It can turn its target into a living fish stick, the effect of which remains permenant until dispelled by the Magisword.

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Flashlight Magisword

The Flashlight Magisword works and acts like a flashlight. It was first mentioned in “The Desolation of Grup” where Prohyas asked if Vambre had the sword and she replied it’s on her “wishlist”.

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Flip Mode Magisword

This Magisword resembles an oddly-shaped spatula, and can grow more spatula heads to flip multiple hamburger patties (and presumably other foods) simultaneously. It debuted in “Straining Day”.

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Flour Power Magisword

The Flour Power Magisword is capable of magically creating flour, capable of being used in recipes. This Magisword can also generate plants. Prohyas used it, unexplicably, to give Penny Plasm a flower in the episode “Flirty Phantom”.

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Flying Sphinx Magisword

flying sphinx magisword summons spiffy the sphinx

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Flyswatter Magisword

The Fly Swatter Magisword looks like a regular fly swatter but it works like a baseball bat. Vambre used it to deflect coconuts aiming at her and Princess Zange while they were sailing towards Keelhaul Cove.

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Foam Finger Magisword

The Foam Finger Magisword looks and works like a foam finger. Prohyas used it to cheer on Zombie Pumpkin Magisword in the episode “Mushroom Menace”. It can also shoot out mini foam fingers. It can conjure a giant foam hand capable of blocking magical energy.

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Footprint Magisword

This Magisword detects hidden footprints, which makes it excellent for tracking.

The Footprint Magisword can detect any hidden footprints by shooting a flashlight-like ray that can reveal them.

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Fossil Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Dino Ducking” It can turn its target into a fossil.

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Fresh Squeeze Magisword

This Magisword was interviewed by Ralphio in “The Saga of Robopiggeh” It can make lemonade, lime-ade, and any other kind of “ade” the user can think.

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Frog Missile Magisword

This Magisword can shoot out exploding frog-like missiles against the opponent. When they explode, they become real life frogs. Vambre used it against Queen Porcina’s Pig Guards.

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Fuzzy Wuzzy Magisword

Can create fuzzy hair on whatever target it is pointed at. Introduced in the episode “Squideo Games”, it was pulled off the wall by Prohyas, and used to give Ralphio a bushy mustache. Vambre also used it to disguise herself as a cat in “Bewitched, Bothered and Bothered Some More!”

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Ghost Magisword

This Magisword looks like a ghost with chains and a key. It can allow the wielder to see ghosts like Zombie Pumpkin Magisword as long as it’s being held, first seen in “Ghosthaste”. It also puts the wielder in danger on getting possessed by a ghost and it can suck the soul of a living person out of their body if used for too long.

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Giant Bowl of Soup Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in “A Mind Is a Terrible Thing”. It can create levitating bowls of any soup

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Giant Egg Magisword

Shaped like a giant egg, the magisword’s abilities is to shoot eggs at the enemies. Vambre first used it to blind King Rexxtopher in “Walkies”.

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Glamour Gown Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Fickle Fishing”. It dresses its target in a frilly, purple dress.

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Glo-Stick Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Oasis of Fear”. It creates decorative glowsticks that light up.

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Golden Broomstick Magisword

The Golden Broomstick Magisword is the prize for the World Witch Award, introduced in “Sibling Sorcery”. It can fly, and Witchy Simone is actually fairly competent at doing so. It also is pretty handy at cleaning up.

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Golden Curls Magisword

The Golden Curls Magisword can create wigs that dissipate when the user is startled, as shown in “Potion in the Ocean” when Prohyas and Vambre were startled by Mr. Packard. The wigs are usually blond and curly, hence the name.

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Grabby Giraffe Magisword

It was used by Vambre on “Grup Jam”. It can extend itself to grab objects and reach far distances.

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Gross Little Centaur Magisword

gross little centaur magisword make gross little centaurs

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Ground Pound Magisword

The Ground Pound Magisword belongs to Prohyas who earned it with Vambre for defeating the Underground Handbeast. It can generate earthquakes by slamming onto the ground that are more strong when the Magisword slams with more strength.

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Gummy Sticky Hand Magisword

This magisword is shaped like a sticky hand toy that debuted in “Squirreled Domination”. It looks and works like a sticky hand toy being able to grab and stick to things at a long distance. Prohyas used it under the control of the Taunting Jester Magisword in the episode “Surely You Jest-O”. As seen in Flirty Phantom it cannot latch onto snow.

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Hair Curler Magisword

The Hair Curler Magisword was first shown in the episode “To Balderly Go “, and is wielded by Prohyas

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Handkerchief Grenade Magisword

handkerchief grenade magisword make grenades based on handkerchiefs

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Homing Device Magisword

The Homing Device Magisword is loaded with tracking beetles, that when shot will attach to any object and send out a signal. The signal is picked up by the sword which shows how far and close the tracked object is with a displayed meter and beeping sound that becomes even faster the closer you are. The beetles will shrink when attached to an sheathed Magisword. The sword does not create the beetles and they must be loaded back for reuse. Phil mistakes it for a thermometer magisword after Grup accidentally throws it in the lame bag.

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Hook Magisword

The hook Magisword looks like a striped hook. It can generate an extending hook meant to grab things similar to the Electric Eel Magisword. Prohyas used it to swipe the Taunting Jester Magisword from “Jest-O the Best-O”.  It is based on the classic Vaudeville Hook used to yank performers off-stage.

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Hot Oil Magisword

This Magisword resembles a large vat of olive oil, and can produce oil hot enough to eat through wood. It debuted in “Bad Heir Day”.

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Hot Tea Magisword

This Magisword can seemingly produce hot tea, which it can pour by levitating itself. It debuted in “Changeable Terraingable”.

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The Warrior siblings’ main mode of transportation, which work in a way similar to hover boards. Vambre’s Hoversword is blue and pink-checkered, while Prohyas’ is yellow and turquoise-striped. In “Case Clothed”, it was shown that Hoverswords cannot function on non-solid surfaces, such as water, and they perform poorly over rocky surfaces, limiting their use.

  • Prohyas’ Hoversword

  • Vambre’s Hoversword


Howler Monkey Wrench Magisword

howler monkey wrench magisword makes wrench based on howler monkeys

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Hypno Magisword

This Magisword has appeared in the background of Ralphio’s House of Swords many times. It has not made an “Initial Appearance” in the TV series yet, but Prohyas showed it to Noville in the short “Bookish” when browsing for the right Magisword to impress Vambre with.

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Instant Photograph Magisword

instant photograph magisword takes instant photos

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Instant Wrap Magisword

The Magisword can package or decorate anything, was first used in The Wrath of Neddy when Vambre used it to wrap Prug. It was also used in “The Saddest Little Bunny” to decorate Easter eggs and Hoppus claims that it is “an offensive rabbit stereotype”.

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Jackhammer Magisword

This Magisword works and acts like a jack hammer. Vambre used it to break out of a giant boulder in the episode “Flirty Phantom”.

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Kite Magisword

The Kite Magisword has the ability to generate kites. Vambre used it on Old Man Oldman since he might have asked her to do manual labor in a Swordsday commercial and Omnibus when he “startled” her in the episode “Mushroom Menace”.

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Kricket Knight’s Unnamed Magisword

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Laser Pointer Magisword

The Laser Pointer Magisword acts like a real laser pointer, shooting out a tiny red laser beam. Prohyas used it to distract the Pig Guards, similar to distracting a cat with a laser pointer.

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Legendary Hyperspace Magisword

The Legendary Hyperspace Magisword is a special Magisword that made its debut in “The Saga of Robopiggeh”. It can create portals which teleport individuals to different locations in a matter of seconds. However, the user must have a specific destination in mind, or else he or she will be sent to a completely random location. The Magisword can only make three portals a day, after which it cannot be used again until the following day.

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Legendary Knowledge Magisword

This is a special Magisword that debuted in the episode “Quest for Knowledge”. Anyone that wields this sword can steal the knowledge of their opponents by blasting them. However, the knowledge only stays as long as the holder hangs on to the sword. Professor Cyrus mentioned that the map to the sword was confiscated from a “mysterious and smelly” student.

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Legendary Swordmecha Magisword

This is a special Magisword that appears in “The Incredible Tiny Warriors” Once a day, it can transform into a giant robot that the wielders can pilot from inside, and can use powers from other Magiswords via special ports.

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Lettuce Magisword

This Magisword can produce lettuce leaves. First seen in “Straining Day” but it was mentioned in “The Mystery of Loch Mess” where Prohyas said it was “in back order”.

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Levitation Magisword

This rare Magisword can levitate people and objects, even in itself. Its users do not even have to use their hands. it appears in Danelda’s possession in the episode “Hoppus the Hunted”.

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Little Blue Bomb Magisword

This Magisword shot explodes some blue bombs. The bombs first appeared in “Bark Attack”, where the Tree J appeared at Prohyas with a mouth like a fabulous award, telling his name. Vambre used it later against Prohyas when they were controlled by Taunting Jester Magisword.

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Lobster Claw Magisword

The Lobster Claw Magisword is used to grab things, and can also be used as a pair of pliers.  Prohyas used it to hold on to a cactus which snapped causing him to fully sink in quicksand. Then Vambre used it to swipe the jewel from the Attacktus’ chest. It can chop down wood in single slices.

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Looky-Here Magisword

looky here magisword make people looky here and there

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Looming Loom Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Sheepy Jungle Shearing”. It can magically weave fabric from almost any material.

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Luchador Magisword

This Magisword gives its wielder a masked luchador costume and a Spanish-speaking announcer. It is first seen in “Team of Broccoli”.

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Magic Trick Magisword

magic trick magisword makes magic tricks like pulling a rabbit from a hat and sawing a person in half

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Magnet Magisword

The Magnet Magisword is used to get pulled towards any metal. Used on Phil by Vambre to get her wallet back and used by Prohyas to get out of the quicksand and retrieve the Zombie Pumpkin Magisword from Hoppus. The Magisword is also shown to be heavily deblitating to creatures hailing from Galacton, as most of them are computer-based lifeforms.

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Magnifying Glass Magisword

This Magisword was used by Vambre in “Getting Ahead” It basically looks like a giant magnifying glass that can be used to see things up close.

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Mask Magisword

The Magisword Mask is guarded by the Keeper of the Mask in the Curse Mask Temple. Anyone who possesses magisword can generate cursed masks onto humans, sealing their faces. Masks depend on the emotional state of the user and cause the opponent to be affected in the condition (for example: if Vambre was too confident when he used the sword on Prohyas, if Prohyas receives the mask, he becomes confident too). Normally, the only way to remove the mask is to be able to make a mask with a facial expression of mindless bliss. People can still be stuck with masks, even if they are dead. Prohyas and Vambre travel to the temple to get the mask, but they meet the watchman who gives him the challenge and the sword and give him the sword if he can make a mask expressed in his mind. Vambre has tried many attempts to mask Prohyas. The only things that can not be cursed are Magiswords, because their ability to shrink makes the masks fall. Masks can be jumped like platforms. It has a special move called Megamask, which lauches a gargantuan version of the mask of the enemy, but it is not known if it has emotional control.

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Measuring Tape Magisword

The Measuring Tape Magisword was first shown in “Grup Jam”, where Vambre used it to measure her teammates. Prohyas also used it to enter the classroom in “Adventure Academy: Dino Ducking”. It functions like an ordinary measuring tape.

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Meat Grinder Magisword

This Magisword can be used to make sausages or to grind just about anything. Vambre used it to make Brockwurst (broccoli sausage) in “Docky & Buford’s Decidedly Pathetic Adventure”.

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Mechanical Mole Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in the Adventure Academy: Trollblin Thumb Wrestling. It is in the form of a robotic mole, which can bite through the toughest material with soft teeth. You can also dig through things.

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Mega Drill Magisword

This Magisword is functionally similar to Mechanical Mole Magisword, though is seemingly capable of penetrating more dense materials.

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Microphone Magisword

The Microphone Magisword looks and works like a microphone. It can be used to make voices louder, but does not require an amplifier. It also has has a set of headphones that can hook into it for surveillance purposes. The magisword first appeared in “The Desolation of Grup” which Prohyas used it to record Vambre and Grup’s progress.

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Microwave Magisword

This Magisword can cook things  in a jiffy, but is highly prone to failure.

It works similarly to the Radiator Magisword, except it doesn’t burn your hand. It does not use stages and the heat it produces is more properly used for heating food. It was shown in the short “Identity Theft”.

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Mirrorange Magisword

This Magisword is a only a mirror that looks like an orange. It first appears in “To Balderly Go” and made its official debut in the Cartoon Network game “Double Trouble in Mirror Castle”

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Missing Sock Magisword

The Missing Sock Magisword is capable of summoning nearby socks to the user. This Magisword is first seen at the short “Can I Keep Him?”

The socks can send projectiles from the Frog Missile Magisword back at the user, as shown in “Thick as Thieves”.

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Monobrow Magisword

This Magisword was mentioned by Prohyas in “Potion in the Ocean” and initially used in “Thick as Thieves”. It can fire monobrows that stick to the opponent.

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Monster Suit Magisword

This Magisword was used in “Action Comedy” It can dress its target in a cheap monster suit, or create enormous monster-sized suits the user can control like a robot.

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Mop Magisword

The Mop Magisword made a slight cameo in the short “Stairways & Spiders” in the “Choose Your Magisword” selective screen. It was also used to try and clean Grup in “Cleanliness is Next to Grupliness”. It can create a small wave of water capable of covering the floor of a room. This was shown in the episode “Thick as Thieves”.

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Mousetrap Magisword

This Magisword was used by Vambre in “Bad Man Oldman” It is capable of producing mousetraps.

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Mummy Magisword

One of the Warriors for Hire’s most frequently-used Magiswords, the Mummy Magisword projects strands of bandages at opponents. In “To Boulderly Go”, it moves the rock and in Pig Iron, Prohyas fails to defeat Robot Piggy with it. The bandages are capable of being burnt off, but do not disintegrate in water.

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Muscly Arm Magisword

This Magisword can temporarily make someone’s arm disproportionately larger and stronger. It’s perfect for arm-wrestling contests.

The Muscly Arm gives the user a muscle-y arm that’s strong enough to break a boulder, and can be used to give a similar effect to another person. Both Prohyas and Vambre own one of these Magiswords each.

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Nail Clipper Magisword

A common Magisword, the nail clipper Magisword is used by Vambre to scare The Underground Hand Beast away. According to Vambre, there was a sale on it because “it’s stupid”. In “Cleanliness is Next to Grupliness”, it’s seen in a heap of garbage having been thrown away for being stupid and useless.

The Nail Clipper Magisword is common to the point it can be found in great numbers in bargin bins or as a booby-prize in a treasure chest.

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Needlessly Complicated Magisword

This Magisword made a short cameo in “Hoppus the Hunted” when the Warriors were out buying a Magisword for Norman for his duel with Hoppus. Ralphio offered this sword but Prohyas found it too complicated for words. Its actual ability is to “needlessly complicate” any situation, such as summoning Pirates to a raid by Thieves.

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Ninjappearance Magisword

First appearing in “Witchy Simone Ruins Everything”. This Magisword can dress its target in full ninja attire.

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Normcore Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Passe Pirate” It can dress its target in bland, everyday clothes. The word “normcore” combines the words “normal” and “hardcore.”

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Oinkus Oinkus Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in Pig Iron, being claimed by Vambre in a competition between her and Prohyas to see who could claim it first. It generates a squeal like that of a pig, loud enough to induce pain. Voiced by Kyle Carrozza.

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Ointment Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: The Thousand Eye Stare” It can shoot ointment (after the user takes off the cap) that will rid its target of magical effects.

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One Big Hole Magisword

A variant of the Bunch of little holes Magisword, this Magisword can generate single large deep holes. Combined with the Zombie Pumpkin Magisword, the Magisword can penetrate holes through the strongest force fields.

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Onion Magisword

The Onion Magisword fires enormous projectile onions at its user’s whim. Additionally, it makes a scent that smells like onions, which can cause people to cry. Its user is not protected against this.

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Oogly Googly Eye Magisword

This Magisword has prehensile eyes that can punch targets. It also catches people off guard with it’s unnerving appearance. It extends its eyes when squeezed by its user.

This Magisword made a short cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at the Ralphio House of Swords.

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Opposable Thumb Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in the “Adventure Academy: Trollblin Thumb Wrestling”. It looks like a huge thumb that can be used for various purposes, such as thumb’s up.

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Optimism Bell Magisword

This Magisword was seen being used by Familiar to shake his sister Bimm out of her aquaphobia-induced coma, implying its ability helps force thoughts of optimism through its target’s psyche.

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Pamper Pets Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in “GOAT!” It apparently has the ability to create small animals that cater to the user’s every whim.

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Pan Flute Magisword

This Magisword is a giant flute. Ralphio showed this to the Warrior for Hire in “Champion of Breakfast”, but did not buy it, because Prohyas already had the Accordion Magisword.

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Pancake Magisword

The Pancake Magisword launches pancakes, which are pre-buttered and covered in syrup. Although typically used for consumption, the summoned pancakes can also be used as platforms.

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Pandachute Magisword

The Pandacute Magiswod is a handheld parachute, helpful for slowing its user’s descent.

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Paper Bag Magisword

This Magisword can shoot paper bags, as well as seemingly-sentient paper bag hand puppets. It was debuted in “Dungeons and Dayjobs”. The first paper bag doll commented to Prohyas the love for the Slug Burgers. The second paper bag, landed on a customer, commented that he would be stuck on his arm and would not be used for anything else forever. Jess Harnell voices the Puppet Bags imitating Wayne Newton.

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Parrot Scrissors Magisword

The Parrot Scissors Magisword is a talking Magisword used by Prohyas in Share and Share Dislike. It acts like a pair of scissors that is used to cut items. (In “Share and Share Dislike” it was used to cut the Sticky Note Magisword in half, much to Vambre’s displeasure). Kyle Carrozza voices the sword.

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Pencil Magisword

As its name suggests the Pencil Magisword is a pencil.

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Pencil Sharpener Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Enchanted Tree Chopping” It can turn wood into sharpened pencils and sharpen anything else you put in it.

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Perfume Magisword

This Magisword was used in “Biggest Fan” to make King Rexxtopher sneeze Glori out of his nose.

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Permanent Vacation Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Barking Broccoli Spider Barkdown” It can dress its target up for a vacation. It will also make them want to go on one.

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Pillow Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Ham of Glory” It is capable of shooting pillows and is also very comfortable and can be slept on.

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Pineapple Surprise Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Too Commercial”

It was bought by Familiar and Bimm at the end of the episode. The abilities of this Magisword are currently unknown

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Piñata Magisword

This Magisword can create piñatas, seemingly in any likeness its user desires. It first appeared in “Vambre’s Guilty Pleasure”.

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Pixel Magisword

This Magisword is pixelated, and can make other objects into pixelated shapes. It was introduced in the episode “Squideo Games”, when Ralphio tried to get the Warriors to buy it.

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Pizza Magisword

This Magisword appeared in “Old Man Oldman”. It looks like a pizza with lots of toppings on it, and the hilt is meant to represent a pizza cutter. It is able to produce endless amounts of pizza for consumption, though the pizzas can be improvised as platforms as well.

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Plunger Magisword

The Plunger Magisword works just like a regular plunger. The Warriors receive it as a gift from Princess Zange for unclogging her sink. Prohyas uses it to save Terri the Spider in the short “Stairways & Spiders” by sticking it to a wall.

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Pogo Stick Magisword

The Pogo Stick Magisword acts like a real pogo stick and it enables the user to jump at high speed. Vambre used it to get to Prohyas when they were both being controlled by the Taunting Jester Magisword. It is capable of bouncing objects much bigger than itself, incredibly high.

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Proud Peacock Magisword

proud peacock magisword makes peacocks that are proud

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Puffy Vest Magisword

puffy vest magisword makes puffy vests

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Rad Rocket Magisword

The Rad Rocket Magisword allows anyone to fly over great distances, although it requires a great deal of focus and strength to control effectively. The Rad Rocket Magisword makes its first official appearance in Pig Iron where Vambre uses it to reach the top of the mountain to retrieve the Oinkus Oinkus Magisword, but misses it and ends up crashing into the ground.

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Radiator Magisword

Like the name implies, this magisword is basically a large radiator. It works in three settings, from warm, to hot, to blazing. It generates a level of heat corresponding to its setting, though this setting cannot be moderated, meaning it will eventually become too hot to continue using. The Radiator Magisword is also considerably heavy, causing Vambre and Prohyas to have injured themselves multiple times when using it.

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Rainbow Glasses Magisword

The Rainbow Glasses Magisword produces glasses which cause crazy color effects.

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Raincloud Magisword

This Magisword creates a storm cloud that drenches and zaps its target with a thunderbolt. It was first seen in “Cleanliness is Next to Grupliness”.

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Retractable Ladder Magisword

This Magisword works just like a retractable ladder. its length appears to be limitless, though it has a risk of snapback if extended too far.

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Robo Tank Magisword

This Magisword shoots an energy blast that turns kitchen appliances (like toasters) into robot tanks. It was first seen in “Get that BORFL!”. Vambre attempted to use it against the Borfl, but Prohyas stopped her.

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Rodeo Magisword

This hifalutin’ Magisword has multiple uses. It can be used as a lasso, but it can also summon bulls, rodeo clowns, cowboy outfits, and, best of all, barbeque sauce! It deputed in “Transylbabies”.

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Roundabout Magisword

The Roundabout Magisword is shaped like a yellow question mark with multiple curved arrows sticking out of it and a hilt with two arrows, one arrow slightly bent and the other one more curved. It can split attacks to make them head in random directions and changes the direction certain objects are headed.

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Roundy Spinny Thing Magisword

This Magisword first appeared in the possession of Familiar in “Quest for Knowledge”. It resembles a large star chaser cat toy, and its abilities are currently unknown.

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Rubber Chicken Magisword

This Magisword is a giant rubber chicken that when squeezed crows like a rooster like a real novelty rubber chicken. It appears in “Fixing-a-Flonk!” when Prohyas gave it to Flonk to help him in his comedy act.

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Rubber Spiky Magisword

This Magisword made a brief cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at Ralphio’s House of Swords. Vambre was looking at the sword until Prohyas showed her the Nose Magisword. The spikes are actually made of rubber.

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Rubber Stamp Magisword

Used by Prohyas in Biggest Fan. It works like a regular stamp. It is revealed in MagiMobile that it can stamp whatever the user imagines. (As long as it’s on a solid surface)

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Rump Roast Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Ham of Glory” It can shoot red slabs of unspecified meat.

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Runny Nose Magisword

This Magisword made a brief cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at Ralphio’s House of Swords. Prohyas was looking at the sword and humorously asked why it was a nose. It will cause the target to sneeze.

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Rutabaga Magisword

The Rutabaga Magisword was mentioned by Hoppus in MagiMobile. It can create rutabaga. Prohyas stole the sword (as well as the Onion, Celery, Carrot, and Bok Choy Magiswords) in “Gut Feelings” while he was under the control of his stomach. Vambre also used it on “Monkey Chunks” in The Tome of Morrow.

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Sad Violin Magisword

sad violin magisword make sad violin music

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Sea Salt Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Sluggernaut” It can create salt in various shapes and sizes.

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Selective Memory Magisword

This frightening Magisword can erase whatever part of someone’s memory the wielder desires.

This Magisword can erase any memory of the target that the user pleases. It was used by Nohyas to erase the memories of the Warrior siblings and a few other individuals.

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Sharkblade Magisword

The Sharkblade Magisword’s known abilities are the power to swim and breath underwater, similarly to the Dolphin Magisword, and having the jaw strength to bite through wood. It will gnaw at anything once put in front of it, and does not discriminate against living and inanimate.

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Shuffle Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Adventure Academy 101”. It can shuffle anything into a completely randomized order.

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Sleeping Dragon Magisword

The Magisword makes anyone fall asleep. It does this by shooting an orange beam at the target’s face. The user is not safeguarded against its effects, which can prove disasterous if the beam is deflected back at them.

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Slime Magisword

This Magisword was first seen “Adventure Academy: Dragonators” As its name would imply, it can shoot goopy slime and also spawn slimes.

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Slingshot Magisword

This Magisword is a slingshot that can vary it’s size to be hand-held or much larger. It’s size range means you can sling all slots of things. 

This Magisword works and looks like a giant slingshot. Vambre used it for her comedy falling routine to entertain Jurassi while he puts his leash back on him in the short, Walkies. Can be grown large enough to fire a person.

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Smelly Shoe Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Barking Broccoli Spider Barkdown” It can fill an entire room with a foul-smelling scent.

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Snowball Magisword

This magisword freezes people and shoots snowballs at them. Vambre uses it to freeze King Rexxtopher. She also used it to make a snowman resembling Old Man Oldman in the short “Warriors for Hire” to demonstrate what a Magisword is.

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Snow Cone Magisword

This Magisword can generate snowcones of virtually any flavor. Delish! It debuted in the episode “Transylbabies”, when it was used to help protect the Snowmanpires from the heat.

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Soothing Brush Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Meatier Milking” When its target is stroked by it, it will make them feel calm and relaxed.

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Spiderweb Magisword

Spiderweb Magisword is a unique Magisword that looks like a small spider with a golden abdomen. The Warriors were after the sword, which was guarded by the giant spider, Teri Gargantuan, in the short, “Stairways & Spiders”. This Magisword can generate a silken material that can be used to spin large spiderwebs. It also seems to create (or at least attract) large baby spiders.

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Spring-a-Leek Magisword

spring a leek magisword make leeks no not leak the vegetable

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Springtime Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in the “Adventure Academy: Weather or Naught”. Can create a spring atmosphere in a short radius, along with flowers and butterflies.

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Squeaky Nightstick Magisword

The Squeaky Nightstick Magisword has the appearance of a purple, inflatable nightstick with an M! Insignia surrounded by a shouting bubble. When activated, it quickly wobbles back and forth, hitting the opponent in a comic style.

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Squeegee Magisword

This Magisword seems to function like a normal squeegee, and was first seen in “Winning at Whining”.

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Sticky Note Magisword

Sticky Note Magisword can create small sticky notes, which can be fired at the opponent, or used to leave messages.

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Stirring Spoon Magisword

This Magisword was used by Kablammica in “Gut Feelings”. it works like a blender and it’s used to stir soup.

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Stuffed Animal Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Sheepy Jungle Shearing”. It can shoot a variety of stuffed animals.

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Sucker Fishing Pole Magisword

This Magisword functions as a fishing pole, but uses a fish-shaped suction cup to catch things instead of a hook. It first appeared in “For the Love of Narwhal!”

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Sun Face Magisword

This Magisword can glow, warm things, and shoot little sun faces that can also glow and warm things.

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Super Shooting Star Magisword

This specific Magisword fires firework-like shooting stars.

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Swish Navy Magisword

From the mysterious land of Swisherland comes this sword with over 100 uses, including a hacksaw, trumpet, corkscrew, catcher’s mitt, cuckoo and more. Warning: For advanced Magisword users only.

The Navy Swish Magisword has the shape of a red Swiss Swiss knife with a M symbol on it. Its function is to act as a multifunctional tool, similar to a Swiss knife. Known tools are a saw blade attached to a rope, a hook, a tentacle and a spoken heart attached to a spring. Noville currently owns this Magisword, though he loaned it to Vambre in Pachydermus Interruptus.

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Taunting Jester Magisword

The Taunting Jester Magisword is one of the few magic that speaks. It has the ability to control minds, even users, makes victims feel bad and/or entertaining. For many years, it was used by the brainwashed Jest-O the Best-O to spread havoc across Lyvsheria. According to Jest-O, fun is the source of his power, which is why Magisword forces the Warriors to have fun. The sword speaks like a drill sergeant, forcing its victims into Miltary practices. After freeing Jesto-O from its spell, the Warriors kept the Taunting Jester Magisword until strict lock and key until their mother taught them how to keep its influence under control. The sword is voiced by Tom Kenny.

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Telescope Magisword

The Telescope Magisword can act as a real telescope to trace locations. Unlike a real telescope, it can slip on the ground and extend through magic like the Hook Magisword.

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This Way Magisword

This Magisword moves itself and its user in the direction it’s pointing, regardless of the terrain (or lacktheroff).

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Tickle Magisword

This was first appeared in “Taming of the Swords”. It is modeled as a feather so it can tickle the target, making them laugh, uncontrollably.

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Toboggan Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in the “

Adventure Academy: Weather Or Naught

“. It can shoot sleds that grow so that more people can ride.

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Tomato Magisword

The very first Magisword ever owned by Vambre, and her most treasured posession. Given to her by her mother at a young age, Vambre frequently uses the Tomato Magisword to produce tomatoes, either for offensive reasons or simply in need of them. It can also produce Tomato juice if desired.

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Tongue Magisword

This Magisword made a short cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at the Ralphio House of Swords. While Vambre looked at Rubber Spikes Magisword, this sword appeared beneath it. It will cause the target’s tongue to twist.

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Toothbrush Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Random Acts of Memory”. It can shoot toothbrushes.

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Tree Branch Magisword

This Magisword made a brief cameo in “Share and Share Dislike” at Ralphio’s House of Swords. While Prohyas was looking at the Double Face Magisword, this sword appeared underneath it. It can create branches and sticks.

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Trouser Magisword

This Magisword is able to create pants of any size. It is deeply loathed by Vambre, due to her hatred of pants, though is often used by Prohyas.

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Umbrellephant Magisword

it was first seen in “Get that BORFL!”. it works just like a regular umbrella.

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Underpants Magisword

This kind of Magisword was found by Prohyas in “Felonious Prose”. It has the power to create underpants of various types and sizes.

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Unnamed Bird Magisword

unamed bird magisword could make woodpeckers or toucans because of the long beek

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Unnamed Compass Magisword

compass magisword point people in the right direction

Unravel Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Adventure Academy 101”. It can untie anything that has been sewn together.

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Veg-A-Splode Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in the “Adventure Academy: Enchanted Tree Chopping” It can shoot food or plants that explode to explode plants. (Do not say!)

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Vladcuum the Inhaler Magisword

This Magisword has a vampire motif, and seems to function as a normal vacuum cleaner. It first appeared in “Helping Cattus Help”.

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Wad of Gum Magisword

This Magisword shoots gigantic sticky gum wads at the opponent. It can also be used for construction purposes, though its hold is brief at best.

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Waffle Magisword

Waffle Magisword shoots out waffles, which can be big enough to function as a shield, can be split into launch cases and fast enough to shelter in wooden doors. Like the Pancake Magisword, it is also capable of production Waffles for consumption.

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Walk the Plank Magisword

Used by Skullivan in “Biggest Fan” and by Prohyas in “Grup Jam”. It can create planks and possibly wood.

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Warm Hug Magisword

This Magisword was first seen in “Adventure Academy: Snow Decoy” It can give its target long, warm hugs.

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Wet Noodle Magisword

This Magisword can flood a room with noodles, either for eating or for having fun. It is first seen in “Agent of Destruction”, wherein Prohyas and Vambre flood their living room with lots of macaroni noodles.

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Whirlwind Magisword

This Magisword is the signature sidearm of Cattus the One Blade, and made its debut in “Catbook: The Status of Cattus”. It can, among other things, generate small cyclones, create figures made of wind, and enable its user to fly.

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Wickersnapper Magisword

The Wickersnapper Magisword is shaped like a whip. It has the ability to generate wicker objects. It can be uses to wrap people in wicker, or turn into a wicker basket, attached to the sword handle. Prohyas tried to use it to capture the Taunting Jester Magisword but the sword made Jest-O the Best-O jump so high that it missed.

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X-Ray Magisword

The X-ray Magisword works as a retractable X-ray, showing the bones of those held behind it.

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Zombie Pumpkin Magisword

A sentient Magisword resembling a pumpkin on a sword-like stem. The Zombie Pumpkin Magisword, or “ZP” as the Warriors affectionately call him, is a capable of production Seeds of the Undead, which can be used offensively against both living and undead enemies. Being a sentient Magisword, he is often able to provide insight on other Magiswords and situations involving ghosts. He is frequently nervous, but has an unending appetite for pumpkins. Zombie Pumpkin Magisword is voiced by series creator Kyle Carrozza, imitating Dustin Hoffman’s performance in the 1988 film Rain Man.

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