METU Design Factory, host of IDFW ’23 – METU Design Factory

The International Design Factory Week (IDFW), which will be held for the seventh time in 2023, is planned to be hosted by the METU Design Factory. IDFW is an event where design factories located in 35 different cities around the world come together every year to share their experiences and exchange ideas on potential collaborations and projects through various events and workshops held throughout the week, within the body of the Global Network of Design Factories (DFGN). The event is also a global event promoting the host design factory and the surrounding ecosystem.

Within the scope of the IDFW’23 organization, which will be hosted by the METU Design Factory in 2023, Aalto University Design Factories Global Network coordinators discussed the organization planning and existing infrastructures for 4 days between 14-17 November 2022. Various meetings were held, including the design factory, METU campus and technological infrastructures were introduced.