Low-Carb and Keto Meals on a Budget – Diet Doctor

Yes, dessert can be part of a low carb diet. It’s best to keep them for special occasions as they’re not necessary to achieve weight loss goals, but sometimes a sweet treat hits the spot and helps keep you on track.

Our #1 money-saving tip!

Eat enough protein. When following a keto or low carb diet, your priorities should be restricting carbohydrates, eating enough protein, and adding just enough fat for flavor, satiety, and weight loss goals.

When following a keto or low carb diet, your priorities should be restricting carbohydrates, eating enough protein, and adding just enough fat for flavor, satiety, and weight loss goals.

You may be thinking, “Wait, isn’t protein usually more expensive than carbs and fat?” On average, you are probably right. But eating more protein can help keep you satiated for longer, which means you can go longer between meals. Not having to snack to keep hunger at bay is a great money-saving tip, all on its own! And if you plan in advance and buy your protein foods on sale, you can double your savings!

Want to learn more? Check out our guides on how much protein you should eat.

If you want to take it one step further you could potentially combine your healthy low-carb diet with intermittent fasting (skipping meals) which will not only save you money but will also boost fat loss among other health benefits.

More money-saving tips

  1. Keep it simple. The fewer ingredients you need, the less money you’ll spend. Our keto cheese omelet will cost around $3 on average. Compare that to a Big Mac that costs over $5 on average in 2020.
  2. Choose cheaper cuts. Ground meat and chicken thighs are typically cheaper than steak and chicken breast. Or better yet, buy a whole chicken and to cut it into pieces. You can even use the carcass to make chicken broth.
  3. Buy seasonal. Use fresh vegetables when they are in season, buy frozen the rest of the year.
  4. Look for deals. Stock up on sale items that you can freeze as well as non-perishable items.


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