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Fast, Reliable, Customizable Video Streaming Server

Streaming servers are known to steam video content over the internet to end users via smartphones, computers, laptops or any other internet connected devices. Go4hosting’s streaming servers are aimed at helping artists, gamers and influencers connect in a more convenient way.

Our fast-streaming servers create a reliable environment for those who want seamless streaming of content.

Go4hosting Video Streaming Servers – Made for Broadcasters

Stream content the way you want.

  • Stream Live and Deliver to Numerous Devices

    Experience the best of performance and reliability with robust video streaming server from Go4hosting.

  • Encode, Add, Customize.

    Encode video content to minimize bandwidth usage. Customize options and set up an interactive API in few clicks.

  • Supports a Wide Range of Devices

    Managing streaming servers has never been easier. With Go4hosting’s streaming servers, you can deliver content on devices that were not previously supported.

  • Configured for Different Viewports

    Our live streaming servers are configured to resize content size, thereby delivering the same experience on every screen.

Streaming video from server comes packed with a lot challenges. First, the content is good for nothing if it is not continuously transmitted. Second, the background operations, with all its intricacies, are to remain hidden from the end users.

Third, there should be zero downtime from your end. Subscribers prefer watching content like they would watch a movie in the theater or see a program on the TV.

Choose a Server to Get Started with Streaming

VPS Streaming Server

For those who want the best performance possible in a small budget. VPS streams are faster and better than free streams. What’s better? You can have multiple steams at once.

Dedicated Streaming Server

Our dedicated streaming servers support steaming to a million users. Made for celebrities, it is the perfect platform for your OTT (on-the-top) adventure. Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube use similar servers.

Cloud Streaming Server

Made for travel vloggers and those who steam content 24/7, our cloud streaming servers keep you connected with your audience 24/7.

Streaming Server for YouTube

Customize your own server and go beyond the barriers of conventional YouTube streaming. Set up a streaming server for YouTube and define your own steaming rules.

Proven Programming through Live Video Streaming Server

Video streaming server plays a big role in the provision of entertainment, especially with the explosion in mobile device usage. The advent of 4G technology brought people closer to streaming.

People are now more immersed in content streaming than they have ever been. Swathes of clientele wish to remain invested in any device regardless of their schedule, be it watching videos, movies, TV programs or premium content such as sports events that are broadcast on pay-per-view basis

Where can you use Go4hosting’s Media Streaming Servers?

We offer versatile video streaming servers that fit a multitude of needs without customization of any sort. Ideal for gamers, broadcasters, and OTT platforms, our servers fit every requirement.

YouTube Streaming

We are approached a lot by YouTube broadcasters who need added control on their streams. YouTube streaming servers are, to date, the service demanded the most by our clients. You can use our video streaming platform to create your own rules and configure who can watch your stream and who cannot.

Game Streaming

Go4hosting is a boon fulfilled for gamers who need private streaming servers. Most gamers begin with VPS streaming service and gradually move to dedicated streams. As the viewership gets broader and broader, the dedicated streaming servers can be scaled up to give broadcasters a smooth experience.

Travel vloggers

Who needs to be in control of their server more than travel vloggers? The fact that such clients are always travelling makes providing a suitable streaming service even more challenging. For this reason, Go4hosting has configured its cloud streaming servers so that they help you stay connected with your followers 24/7, irrespective of where you are.

Data Stream Processing Servers

We have even bigger corporates in our clientele who need continuous streaming of big data to their apps. They then utilize the data obtained to deploy various machine learning algorithms and craft breakthrough technology for the future. Data streaming servers work the same way dedicated streaming servers do. The difference being, one transmits files, the other transmit videos.

The Era of IP TV

Television was once the only mode of entertainment before streaming server. With the advent of 4G technology, there is a notable shift towards the internet-driven entertainment.

IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is among the most prevalent entertainment choices at the present.

Most of the customers, regardless of the age group they belong to, prefer seeing TV shows through the web instead of being stuck watching TV at home. Be it viewing programs over tablets, laptops or smartphones, customers now expect the same performance on internet TV that they expect on cable television.

A stable video streaming server is the only way you can deliver at par with cable channels.

Reliable IPTV technology helps in meeting these high expectations.

Accelerate Performance of Live Streaming with Dedicated Streaming Servers

Video streaming server technology is not new, but it is only recently that it has gained momentum. Video content delivery is done through a process known as HTTP caching, in which content is stored temporarily on various servers through a CDN (Content Distribution Network).

Bringing Content Closer to Viewport

Content delivery network brings content closer to the endpoint. The closer the end terminals to the network, better the latency. Similarly, farther away from the network that the end devices lie, the longer it will take to load content.

In a live stream the difference is far more noticeable than while playing pre-captured records.

Live Streaming Server

Live Streaming Server

Moving Request Closer to the Server

When user requests content, request is moved from the nearest CDN server via cached content. The video streaming server then provides this cached content to the device of users. Cached content sending is quite faster than delivering the same from originating server, as the journey for the data is shorter.

At Go4hosting, Quality Matters

Customers want entertainment to be within their reach. Therefore they desire for quality streaming, surging the demand all the way up.

So, Go4hosting has realized that the best way to satisfy the insatiable appetites of customers is to deploy and build wider video CDNs. Apart from attracting subscribers and maintaining clientele loyalty, operator-owned CDN permits flexibility in revenue sources and service offerings. And our live streaming server does just that.

Streaming Servers

Benefits of Video Streaming Server

Customizable and Flexible Key Benefits

  • Stream Linear, On-Demand and Live Content

    Create linear, on-demand or live streaming apps for news, surveillance, live events, video libraries and monitored services.

  • Deployed in Seconds

    Our live streaming servers can be setup in a moment. Within few minutes you will be ready to stream live contents over thousands of devices.

  • Record as Well as Archive Live Streams

    Record the live stream to the backup file for on-request playback. Backups files are stored in the same server but in a different destination. Live streaming servers can be programmed to create a copy of files themselves. Alternatively, record the complete live webcast in the single file, then divide it into a number of files for replay by sections, or start/stop the recording at pre-programmed points for limited archiving.

    There is a lot to do when you stream live video through our server.

  • Deliver Where you Want

    We have our own CDN. Our CDN will enable you to deliver audio as well as video streams to one device and player on any protocol through single streaming server.

  • Manage Streams for Optimal Practice

    Transcoding with this technology permits you to refine the streaming workflow and live encoding, while saving upload bandwidth and delivering ideal quality streams to the device of every user. Video streaming from the same server can be enhanced a lot if you efficiently manage streams.

Go4hosting’s Streaming Servers Are Built to Deliver Always-On Content

  • Open Source Video Streaming Server

    Configure server with Windows or open-source Linux. Choose an OS and allow us to build a platform for your business.

  • Test before you commit. Cancel anytime.

    We offer you free 7 day trial so you can setup video streaming server for free. You can cancel anytime.

Setting up Streaming Server

  • Premium Support

    The premium support plans offered by Go4hosting helps you to get an access to streaming experts round-the-clock across the globe.

  • Programmable Architecture

    Control an extensive range of APIs, SDKs and tools in order to automate the workflow, deliver creative streaming services, and accelerate the development cycle of services.

  • Multi-Level Security of Content

    Make sure that data streams are secured with stringent software security measures put in place by Go4hosting.

  • 24/7 Technical Support

    When you subscribe to Go4hosting, you get access to an extremely capable support team. Our panel ensures that your live streams are lag-free and of high-quality.

Designed To Scale Things Up

  • Modular Architecture

    Implement, modify and customize your Video Streaming server. Create instances in order to meet certain requirements. Add clusters, stand-alone instances as well as edge servers non-disruptively and seamlessly.

  • Automatic Monitoring and Management

    Video Streaming server monitors the tools, SNMP integration and extensive APIs, allowing proactive performance and load management. You can easily utilize Video Streaming Server by Go4Hosting to engage diverse tools and applications.

  • Integrated with Services and CDNs

    The Video Streaming Server of Go4Hosting is strongly integrated with leading streaming services and CDNs, such as Facebook Live, Limelight Networks, Akamai, TATA Communications and YouTube Live.

  • Flexible Implementation Options

    Implement Video Streaming Server in the virtualized, bare-metal as well as Docker containers over private infrastructure with chosen public cloud service provider or in a hybrid configuration, in order to meet present as well as future requirements.

  • Pay as you use

    Leveraging the cloud-model, we have implemented pay-as-you-use policy on our video streaming servers. Pay-as-you-use will have you to spend less than you normally did. So, no more gleaning pennies at month end.

  • Scale Resources in an Instant

    Have an important stream to make but not enough resources to accommodate? Worry not, our live streaming servers can be upgraded in a moment. With Go4hosting you will never worry about running out of resources again.

Implement Your Video Streaming Server with Go4Hosting

We know video streaming server technology better than anyone. The extensive experience of Go4hosting has set new benchmarks. Our live stream servers have been assembled by the best of professionals.

The extensive experience of Go4Hosting in load balancing sets it as an industry leader of CDN solutions. At Go4Hosting, we operate and own one of the biggest CDN networks that handles streaming services. If you choose to host podcast with us, we will cache all your files on our server endpoints.

You can save a huge costs just be opting for a combined CDN and video streaming service. We enable you to implement and build robust Content Delivery Network or CDN with Video-on-Demand (VOD) technology from the ground up. We use licensed software in combination with the best commercial hardware in order to make reliable and flexible CDN, with considerable cost savings.

In case you prefer removing the upfront costs of CAPEX and overheads, Go4Hosting Video Streaming Server is an ideal option. This SaaS or Software-as-a-Service solution implements the OCDN or Operator CDN on secure cloud servers and delivers content to users 24/7/365.

FAQs of Video Streaming Server

What is a Video Streaming Server?

A video streaming server delivers content from your host directly to your viewer. It functions like an ordinary server except that instead of files and texts, it delivers video codes directly to the end-user.

Which Server is Best for Video Streaming?

If you are a dedicated streamer and host podcasts with a large number of viewer base, you should go for dedicated servers. For all the other purposes, a VPS would work pretty fine.

How does Video Streaming Server Work?

Video streaming servers work pretty much like an ordinary server. The end-user is provided with a login id and password that opens up personalized content for that user. Typically accessible via an app or browser, when the user clicks one of the video streams, a request is sent to the server. Once verified, the server then sends back the file to the browser.

How do I Host a Paid Live Stream?

If you have a private streaming server, you can ask viewers to pay you the subscription fee. Once done, send login credentials to the users who have paid and sync video stream between the browser and the server.

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