Level 13 – Business – IELTS speaking Topics Vocabulary – Memrise
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to not spend more money than you are earning
to balance the books
to work for yourself/to not work for an employer
to be self-employed
to make a sales call to someone without asking them for permission first
when one company lowers its prices, forcing other companies to do the same, sometimes to a point where business becomes unprofitable
to do research into what potential customers would or wouldn’t buy
to do market research
to write a plan for a new business
to draw up a business plan
to try to get customers
to drum up business
when a business is forced to close because it is unsuccessful
to go bust
the money coming in and going out of a business
to join another person to start or expand a business
to go into business with
to start your own business
to go it alone
(see ‘to go bust’)
to go under
to have a website or social media profile that showcases your business
to have a web presence
to start selling and promoting a new product
when a company ends an employee’s contract of employment
to lay someone off
a business that is set up to bring in a sufficient income and no more
to earn more money than it costs to run the business
a business that serves a small, particular market
to make more people aware of a business
to have a business of your own
to run your own business
a report of the income a company generates through sales of products or services
to set up a business
stiff competition
strong competition from other companies in the same area of work