Largest Supplier of Remanufactured Transformers | T&R Electric – T&R Electric Supply Co., Inc.

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This can be caused by having too high of a security level set in Internet Explorer. Here’s how to check:

  • Click the ‘Tools’ menu (if the Tools menu isn’t there, hit the ALT key to turn on the toolbar)
  • Pick ‘Internet Options’ from the tools menu.
  • Click on the ‘Security’ tab inside the ‘Internet Options’ box that popped up.
  • Click on the ‘Custom Settings…’ button.
  • Scroll down to the ‘Scripting’ section
  • Click ‘Enable’ under the ‘Active Scripting’ section and hit ‘OK’
  • Finish by hitting ‘Yes’ and ‘OK’ on the remaining windows that are open.

In other web browsers (besides Internet Explorer) Plug-ins like NoScript or other special settings could cause this as well.