L shape sofas – Affordable L shape sectionals

L shape sofas

Shop L shape sofas so you can entertain your friends and family. L shape sofas free up floor space, and they can be styled in many ways. Browse many sizes and colors to add that special touch to your living room.

Why buy an L shape sofa?

An L shape sofa is a stylish choice if you want to host larger numbers of friends or enjoy a lazy afternoon with your family. They also save space due to their innovative design, and they can even be used as a room divider. L shape sofas are also extremely versatile, and they can fit into all kinds of rooms.

L shape sofas are great for hosting friends and family

An L shape sofa is the perfect choice for family get-togethers and gatherings of your friends. Its clever design helps you face the people you’re spending time with. This means you can bond more easily and share conversations with your loved ones. It also provides enough space for stretching out by yourself or with your partner. And if you need even more space, consider a 4 seater sofa, a 5 seater sofa or even a 6 seater sofa.

L shape sofas save space

Contrary to what many think, L shape sofas actually save space in your living room. That’s because the convenient shape conforms to the corners in your wall. This leaves more floor space for other furniture and creates a sense of roominess. L shape sofas can also be used as room dividers to create a sense of two rooms in one.

L shape sofas are versatile

P: L shape sofas can work in all kinds of rooms. The IKEA range also offers them in many sizes and styles. Because of their shape, L shape sofas offer far more styling options than standard sofas. And they can be used for a variety of purposes – creating a seating area in the corner or even dividing a large room into two separate spaces. An L shape sofa can also come in many colors. Browse grey sofas, blue sofas, black sofas, green sofas and beyond.

How to style an L shape sofa

An L shape sofa gives you lots of styling options. The key is matching your choices to the rest of your living room’s decor. Try decorating the sofa with a mix of small and large cushions. Three to six is a good number, since L shape sofas often look better with lots of cushions. In general, you want to concentrate them around the sofa’s focal points – its left side, its right side, and its corner. Add a rug and possibly a coffee table to complete the look. You can also add a chair or two, though this is less necessary for L shape sofas. That’s because these sofas already let people face each other easily, so even without chairs you’re ready to go.

How to arrange an L shaped sofa in your living room

L shape sofas have two primary uses. The main one is to create a cozy sitting space in the corner. Another option, though, is to use an L shaped sofa to divide a large space. By placing it at the midpoint of a large room, the sofa serves as a border between spaces. This can help create a relaxing hideaway with cushions and chairs where you can gather with friends.

How to put cushions on an L shaped sofa

Cushions add style and comfort to your sofa. You can use them to pair or contrast colors, or to break up solid tones with patterns. When it comes to deciding how many cushions to use, try multiples of three. This lets you organize the cushions around the sofa’s three focal points: the two sides and the corner. In the end, the exact number of cushions will depend on the size of the sofa you choose.