JP1/Network Node Manager i : Integrated Operations Management JP1 : Hitachi

Intelligent Monitoring  |  Network management

JP1/Network Node Manager i, JP1/SNMP System Observer

Need to consolidate network management and respond rapidly to failures?

Product overview

JP1/Network Node Manager i uses industry-standard SNMP to manage your entire network from a central graphical map

Based on the nodes detected in your network, JP1 automatically creates and updates a network configuration map (topology map) where each node is represented by an icon that changes color based on the node’s status. This map allows you to instantly detect problems that occur in the network. When a failure occurs that results in a large number of problems, the RCA function can be used to extract only the most important events that need to be addressed, so that administrators can be notified accordingly and the failure can be resolved as soon as possible.

SNMP : Simple Network Management Protocol
RCA : Root Cause Analysis

Reliably operate an ever-changing network

Even if your network is large and complex or incorporates virtualization and redundancy (as in the case of a data center network), JP1 automatically detects and updates the statuses of the nodes in the topology map, allowing administrators to easily keep track of the network configuration and status. JP1 notifies administrators when a failure occurs, prompting them to check information on screen to identify where the failure originated. Administrators can access information about resources and detailed information about nodes on which failures have occurred, for faster troubleshooting and minimal network downtime.

Monitor a wide variety of resources

JP1 is capable of managing any device that has implemented the SNMP standard, including servers, routers, and switches, regardless of the device vendor. Moreover, JP1 can manage networks that use NAT, flexibly adapting as your network configuration changes and grows. With JP1/Network Node Manager i Advanced, you can manage networks that use both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing as well as large-scale networks that span multiple sites. By making use of JP1’s multitude of functions, you can tailor your monitoring operations to match your environment and meet your needs.

NAT : Network Address Translation

Reliably operate an ever-changing network, Monitor a wide variety of resources

Video introducing the product

Easily identify the root causes of network failures.

Easily identify the root causes of network failures.

Understand your network configuration and manage failures

Visually manage network configurations

JP1 automatically creates a topology map based on the nodes detected in your network, and continually updates this topology map whenever the configuration changes. This reduces the work required to maintain network configuration information, particularly for virtual networks, and ensures that this information is always kept up to date. This map also allows you to visually ascertain failures and other changes in the status of each managed node based on the color of the node’s icon. JP1 also makes it easy to view internal IP addresses and their corresponding external IP addresses after NAT conversion.

Visually manage network configurations

Organize nodes into easy-to-understand groups and hierarchies

Nodes can be organized into node groups and assembled into hierarchies by IP address, device type, or some other criterion. Customize the background of a node group map with an image of your choice (such as a photograph or map) to create a window that immediately evokes the physical locations of nodes and their network configuration. You can group servers by type and other nodes by their roles, and then further organize these groups into a hierarchy that shows the location of each group in relation to the company’s organizational structure, with one level for the whole company and sublevels for each branch, region, or site.

Organize nodes into easy-to-understand groups and hierarchies

Receive notifications only for events that are the root causes of failures

When network failures result in a large number of events being generated, JP1 identifies correlations among the generated events and filters out those that are merely secondary to the root cause. Only those events that JP1 determines to be directly linked to the root causes of failures are reported to administrators as incidents. This eliminates the need for administrators to handle an excessive number of events, accelerating troubleshooting and reducing network downtime. JP1 also allows you to set periods of time during which to suspend the monitoring of certain nodes or node groups. This convenient feature helps prevent the unnecessary generation of incidents when, for example, servers or network devices are undergoing maintenance.

Quickly and easily identify the locations of failures

From the All Incidents view, you can display the node group map to quickly identify the location of the server or network device on which a failure occurred. You can also view a topology map that includes an analysis pane. This pane displays topological information, device information, and MIB* information all in one place, making troubleshooting far easier and faster.

* Management Information Base

Manage troubleshooting

JP1 allows you to manage an incident as it progresses through different statuses: “Registered”, “In progress”, “Complete”, and “Resolved”. This helps you keep track of the progress of failures that need to be addressed and prevents failures from being left unaddressed. By assigning one of five severity levels to an incident that needs to be resolved, you can help administrators decide which incident is the most urgent.

Automatically execute predefined actions when failures occur

JP1 can be configured so that failures or other events trigger the automatic execution of commands to perform certain actions. Examples of these actions include registering failures as incidents, notifying administrators of failures, and collecting log information.

Simplify incident information

In the All Incidents view, you can view incidents sorted by severity level or status (resolved or unresolved), as well as color-code each incident according to its level of importance. In addition, for each node group, you can filter the list to display only incidents that occurred in the past hour, day, week, month, or other unit of time. These functions help you manage incidents more efficiently.

Simplify incident information

Manage advanced network technologies and large-scale networks

Manage networks that use highly advanced technologies*

JP1 is capable of automatically detecting network configurations even when networks incorporate advanced technologies such as router redundancy or switch redundancy (link aggregation). For configurations that use redundant routers, JP1 helps you distinguish between failures that cause a switchover to the secondary router and those that cause both the primary and secondary routers to go down. Similarly, for configurations that implement link aggregation using switches, you can distinguish failures that cause the disconnection of just a few links from those that cause the disconnection of all links. These functions help administrators more accurately determine the urgency with which a particular failure needs to be addressed.

Manage large-scale networks*

To centrally manage a large-scale network that spans multiple sites, you can establish a regional manager at each site and a global manager to oversee the regional managers. In this configuration, the regional managers inform the global manager of the statuses of all devices installed at the various sites, even when individual devices are unable to communicate directly with the global manager.

The features described in this section require JP1/Network Node Manager i Advanced.

Manage advanced network technologies and large-scale networks

Monitor system resources and processes

Check resource information related to nodes on which failures have occurred*

JP1 is capable of the real-time monitoring of the performance, operation, and other details of various types of servers and network devices that support SNMP and run on Windows, UNIX, or Linux. From the topology map, you can instantly check the resources related to nodes on which failures have occurred, making it easy to determine and resolve the root causes of failures. In addition, when an incident occurs (for example, when a threshold is exceeded), information collected from the All Incidents view can be converted into graphs that help you identify trends in the data.

Information that can be collected

  • Performance information: CPU usage rate, memory usage rate, disk usage rate, etc.
  • Detailed information: Line usage rate, interface traffic, etc.
  • Operating information: Number of processes that are running, various types of summaries, etc.

Create reports from resource information*

Collected resource information is stored in a database and can be used at any time to create reports in the form of graphs or in CSV format. You can select the time frame to be covered in each report. These reports make it easy to detect trends in the way system resources are being used, so you can plan your system more accurately and with greater confidence.

Manage network and resource information from a single window*

Abnormalities in system resources and processes can be identified in the topology map as well as from the All Incidents view. Being able to manage the network configuration, failures, system resources, and the statuses of processes and services in a seamless manner alleviates administrators of some of their workload.

Monitor the statuses of processes and services*

You can perform alive monitoring of processes and monitor the statuses of Windows services. You can configure JP1 to generate an incident or automatically execute a particular action when the number of running processes exceeds the maximum allowable number (or falls below the minimum allowable number).

Monitor the statuses of processes and services

The features described in this section require JP1/SNMP System Observer.

Collect network management information by using the provided web API*

By using the provided web API, you can import data (such as incident information, node information, and network management information) from the network monitoring manager via HTTP or HTTPS for use in other applications. In this way, the web API allows you to import information available from the management sites or portals that you are familiar with and use it alongside other information in JP1, making your work more efficient.

Requires JP1/Network Node Manager i Developer’s Toolkit

Collect network management information by using the provided web API

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