IoT in Travel and Tourism: Examples, Trends and Gains for the Business and Tourists | EPAM Anywhere Business

IoT in the tourism industry can enter several subcategories such as aviation, cruises, hotels, and smart cities. Let’s explore how this technology can benefit each industry and look at some success stories.

IoT in Aviation

Aviation can significantly benefit from IoT implementation and become more secure. The next-generation Airbus will come with 10,000 sensors on its wings that will analyze the state of the vehicle and the weather conditions to provide full-scale data about the flight. Another success story is Qantas Airlines that has developed a VR application that allows travelers to explore their preferred destination beforehand. Finally, by utilizing data captured by IoT sensors, Honeywell managed to reduce fuel costs by more than 5%. Access to flight, vehicle, and passenger data can enhance the experience as well as optimize operations and cut costs.

IoT in Cruises

Cruise ships are another example of the intersection of the Internet of Things and travel industry. IoT embedded cruise ships can also streamline the boarding process by offering wristbands equipped with electronic key cards. Besides that, the wristbands can hold medical data that can potentially save passengers’ lives. You can also connect payment data to the wristbands and allow passengers to pay for appliances or services without carrying their credit cards or cash. Cruise ships can also benefit from capturing data about passenger movements to determine which locations are understaffed and require assistance. Finally, cruise ship staff can immediately send mass messages to the customers via wearables to alert them about an issue.

IoT in Hospitality

The hospitality sphere will majorly benefit from IoT implementation and cut operational expenses. Hotels like Marriot have already been using the technology to manage temperatures and lighting from reception desks. Personalized rooms help hotel staff provide the utmost experience, whereas preventive maintenance and repair allow workers to prevent major breaks.

Smart Tourism IoT Examples

Number one on the list of the most sustainable destinations is Gothenburg, Sweden. The smart city has released a smart map that encourages citizens to add information about renting options, item exchanges, and giveaways, etc. The city also offers a parking app that is combined with public transportation and allows citizens and travelers to choose the perfect means of transportation to reach their destination. Gothenburg also uses 60% of recycled heat to provide heating to their houses and hotels, which reduces the emissions and cuts the bills.

The city of Malaga, Spain is another prominent example of a smart city. The streets are fully equipped to accommodate people with disabilities, the public transportation system is optimized and parks are installed with automatic watering systems. Ljubljana, Slovenia is also known for its green initiatives and broad IoT adoption. The city provides an application that locates the nearest water fountains in the vicinity to offer a better traveling experience for newcomers.