Introducing the eBay Tech Blog (@ebaytechblog) #eBayNews

There’s a new kid on the blogging block…

The eBay Tech Blog ( was launched earlier this week and I for one am very excited at the possibilities. Partner this with our eBay Developer Blog and I think we’ve got some pretty cool information on cutting edge innovation coming out of our company.

eBay Tech Blog Logo

I realize that “speeds and feeds” aren’t for everyone but this could end up being a great resource for those that are…

eBay is the world’s largest internet marketplace, with hundreds of millions of listings live at any given moment. To support that marketplace, eBay has tackled technical challenges at a scale that few others have. With the eBay Tech Blog, we want to share our experiences working on those challenges with the technical community. We’ll talk less about eBay’s business (there are plenty of blogs already for that) and more about the internal workings of eBay’s search engine, data, and architecture.

If the first blog post (from Hugh E. Williams – Vice President, Buyer Experience Development) is anything to go by, we could be in for some great behind-the-scenes, under-the-hood reports:

Site Speed for eBay Search Results

First, welcome to the eBay technical blog! Each month, we will publish one or two entries describing technical challenges at eBay, and how we go about solving them. We look forward to your comments, and we welcome your suggestions for articles.

It’s my pleasure to write the first entry in our new blog. In two parts, I’m going to introduce you to how we’ve worked on site speed over the past year, and the results that has delivered. The bottom line is that improving site speed has helped our customers and driven our business. With improvements in site speed, sellers have sold more, buyers have bought more, and eBay’s business has grown as a result. Site speed matters, and we continue to drive improvements.

Read the full blog post on Site Speed for eBay Search Results.

They’re also up and running on Twitter so be sure to follow @ebaytechblog for updates and conversation moving forward. I’ve added them to our comprehensive directory of official eBay Twitter handles too.
