International Business Traveler

What is an international business traveler?

An international business traveler is an individual who travels across national boundaries to fulfil their professional duties. Cheaper and faster flights mean that corporate travel is more common than ever before: an estimated 12% of airline passengers are now business travelers. As corporate travel continues to become more commonplace, there is a better shared understanding of the priorities and challenges of international business travelers.

Who books the trips for an international business traveler?

This varies depending on the company and its corporate travel policy. Here is a look at the common scenarios:

  • In some smaller companies the business traveler might book their own travel, but this can often be expensive and inefficient.
  • Smaller companies may ask the HR department to book travel but this can distract an important team from their key tasks.
  • Larger companies may have a dedicated travel manager and/or travel department. This department may work with travel agencies, which can be expensive and inefficient.
  • Some companies turn to an online booking tool to leverage the power of tech and book travel that is compliant, comfortable, and cost-effective.

Which rules govern the trip of an international business traveler?

A lot of important factors need to be considered when it comes to international corporate travel. The company must ensure it is fulfilling its duty of care. The traveler must be kept safe and informed. Strict rules must be in place about what constitutes “compliant” travel.

All of these rules and regulations are often outlined in a corporate travel policy, an essential document for any company that engages in corporate travel.

These policies will vary depending on the company, but they are critical to ensuring that corporate travel is consistent and comfortable for travelers.

What are the risks facing international business travelers?

It is important that international business travelers pay close attention to their health and wellbeing while they are on the road.

There are a series of steps that a traveler can take, for example, to avoid the effects of jetlag and business travel fatigue. The employer must also fulfill their legal obligations toward their employees, ensuring that travel is legal and safe.

Which expenses are covered for an international business traveler?

This varies from one company to the next, according to the guidelines published in its corporate travel policy. A range of costs are reimbursable, generally including:

  • The costs that are associated with operating a vehicle, such as parking and tolls costs.
  • Transportation costs such as taxis, public transport, and other modes of transportation.
  • The costs that are associated with lodging such as hotel rooms.
  • The costs for meals and food while away from home.

Can international business travelers extend their trip for leisure?

Yes, this is known as bleisure travel and it is becoming increasingly common. As the volume of corporate travel continues to increase, so does the number of people looking to capitalize on the opportunity of being abroad to enjoy a vacation before or after their work takes place.

A company’s approach to bleisure travel will be outlined thoroughly in its corporate travel policy.

Can any employee in a company engage in corporate travel?

Yes. If the employee has the legal right to travel it is not uncommon for members belonging to a range of departments to engage in corporate travel.