International Business | Northwood University

International Business Course Descriptions

INB 1100 Introduction to International Business (3 credits)

This is a survey course that acquaints students with the salient components of the discipline and the curriculum. It covers the various functional areas of International Business such as trade, finance, law, management, and marketing. It also examines the importance of culture and its impact on human behavior, and brings home to students the importance of understanding cultural differences for the successful pursuit of a career in international business. The course introduces students to career opportunities in the international business field.

INB 3610 World Languages & Cultures I (3 credits)

This course introduces global language and cultural understanding frameworks. The course is designed for someone with no previous language study. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition and application of basic language skills in Spanish and French. Portuguese will also be introduced as a special feature language at mid semester. Students will learn language study through direct experiential exercises and building personalized digital flashcards. Languages will be introduced with a cultural history overview to deepen understanding and appreciation. Cultural comparisons and global competencies will be introduced via two frameworks that explore issues at the aggregate and individual levels.

INB 3620 World Languages & Cultures II (3 credits)

This class – the second in a four-semester course of study for students who have not previously studied a global language – will provide an introduction to global language and cultural understanding frameworks. Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition and application of basic language skills in Japanese and Chinese, with a mid-semester introduction to Korean as a special feature language. An overview of cultural history will deepen understanding and appreciation of these global languages. Students will participate in experiential exercises and will build personalized digital flashcards throughout the course. A focus will be given to Leadership in cross-cultural contexts and specifically in servant leadership.

INB 3630 World Languages & Cultures III (3 credits)

This class – the third in a four-semester course of study for students who have not previously studied a global language – will provide an introduction to global language and cultural understanding frameworks. Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition and application of basic language skills in German and Russian, with a mid-semester introduction to Italian as a special feature language. An overview of cultural history will deepen understanding and appreciation of these global languages. Students will participate in experiential exercises and will build personalized digital flashcards throughout the course. A focus will be given to Leadership in cross-cultural contexts and specifically in servant leadership.

INB 3640 World Languages & Cultures IV (3 credits)

This class – the last in a four-semester course of study for students who have not previously studied a global language – will provide an introduction to global language and cultural understanding frameworks. Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition and application of basic language skills in Hindi and Arabic, with a mid-semester introduction to Swahili as a special feature language. An overview of cultural history will deepen understanding and appreciation of these global languages. Students will participate in experiential exercises and will build personalized digital flashcards throughout the course. A focus will be given to Leadership in cross-cultural contexts and specifically in servant leadership.

INB 3850 Special Topics (1-3 credits)

Various topics in international business. These may be one-time or occasional course offerings.

Prerequisite: Dependent on specific course content

Note: the following are other required major courses in the interdisciplinary International Business curriculum:

ECN 3000 International Trade (3 credits)

Examines the basis of trading among nations with emphasis on resources, foreign exchange, balance of payments, investments, tariffs, import quotas, export controls, nationalism, free trade, protectionism, and the institutions aiding in world trade.

Prerequisites: ECN 2210 and 2220

ECN 3410 Comparative Economic Systems (3 credits)

An analysis of the various systems of economic organization; comparison of socialist methods of economic management with the operations of the market economy; overview of the current economies of several nations.

Prerequisites: ECN 2210 and 2220

FIN 4010 International Finance (3 credits)

A comprehensive overview of the international monetary system in terms of its institutional structure, participants and their motivations, markets, and products, as well as currency exposure and techniques in risk management.

Prerequisites: FIN 3010 or FIN 3210 and ECN 3000

LAW 4050 International Law (3 credits)

Overview of the international legal environment, including an emphasis on common and code law systems and their impact on the conduct of international business. Explores international jurisdiction, world legal agreements and bodies, treaty agreements, and treaty law.

Prerequisites: LAW 3000 and ECN 3000

MGT 4030 International Management (3 credits)

Familiarizes students with the evolution of the multi-national enterprise over the past century, and addresses the challenges today’s managers of such enterprises. Discusses the various aspects of the complex task of managing and leading a multi-national enterprise such as strategy formulation, structuring organizations, liaising with external stakeholders, ensuring ethical conduct, and providing inspirational leadership. Knowledge and skills are imparted through the use of experiential learning tools such as simulations and case discussions.

Prerequisites: MGT 2300 and MKT 2080

MKT 3100 International Marketing (3 credits)

Addresses global issues challenging today’s international marketer. Discusses the various strategic, tactical, and operational components of the international marketing function. Explores in detail the practical aspects of international marketing such as exports and imports, international marketing research, and the development of a comprehensive marketing plan.

Prerequisites: MKT 2080