Instaproxy | Residential Proxy Network

What is a residential proxy and why should I use it?

A residential proxy is a device that has an IP address assigned by an Internet Service Provider (ISP) which functions as an intermediary server between you and the internet. Your traffic is routed through these devices and forwarded to your target website. When the target website receives the request to access the website, it will check the IP address it originates from (on a public database) and recognize it is a legitimate residential IP used by a real person on a physical device and will grant access. On the contrary, data center proxies do not have IP addresses assigned by ISP’s, therefore have a much higher probability of getting blacklisted from a website.

What are backconnect/rotating proxies?

A backconnect or rotating proxy, also known as a proxy gateway, is a proxy server that rotates to a new IP address on every connection. It chooses a random, non-sequential IP address from an IP pool and forwards the traffic to the target website. If you are sending multiple requests to a single website, it will show them as originating from multiple IP addresses, reducing the probability of getting blacklisted.

Sticky vs Rotating Sessions

With our service, you can choose between sticky and rotating sessions. Rotating sessions will switch to a new IP on every HTTP(S) request. Sticky IP sessions will hold the same IP address for up to 10 minutes. These are perfect for situations where the IP address will need to remain the same for an extended period of time, such as creating multiple social media accounts, or holding your place in a queue during a sneaker release.

What type of proxy protocols do you offer?

We currently provide HTTP and HTTPS proxies. We do not offer SOCKS proxies at this time.

What are the different use-cases for the residential proxies?

Our residential proxies can be used for many different types of use-cases, including but not limited to:

Sneaker Sites
Data Scraping

Travel Fare

Ad Verification


Affiliate Testing

What locations are available for geo-targeting?

Click the ‘Create Account’ button to get access to our dashboard where you can view all available locations.

Will my data credits expire?

Your data credits will never expire and will be available for your use until they are depleted.

Can I top-up my data if I am running low on data credits?

You can top-up your data at any time by purchasing more data credits directly through the dashboard. Any remaining data that was previously purchased will carry over and added to your total balance of data credits.

How is my data usage calculated?

Your usage is calculated by your network traffic, measured in Megabytes (1GB = 1024MB). You can view your data usage statistics on your dashboard. How quickly your data credits are depleted is dependent on many factors, including but not limited to the type of software you are using, and how many tasks you are running concurrently. Different use-cases will result in different rates of data usage.

Can I share my proxies?

It is important to never share your proxy threads or proxy credentials with anyone. This will result in others being able to use your proxies with or without your consent, which will result in your data credits being depleted. We are not liable for any data usage that results from sharing your proxy credentials.

Which movement type should I use?

Rotating sessions should be used the majority of the time. The proxy gateway will change to a different IP address on every http request, reducing the chance of the IP’s getting banned. Sticky sessions are only for situations where the IP address will need to remain the same for an extended period of time, such as creating multiple social media accounts, or holding your place in a queue or splash page during a sneaker release.

Do you offer free trials?

Our free trials have been discontinued permanently due to trial abuse.

Is your network safe?

Industry-established encryption and security practices are employed to ensure the privacy and security of our users and their data.