Industrial Photography | General Electrics | NOI Pictures | Vietnam


François Carlet-Soulages



Paul Zetter



Francis Roux


Video Editing/cut:

GE Vietnam



GE Vietnam



Hai Phong



In 2010 General Electric inaugurated the first wind generator manufacturing facility in Vietnam in the seaport city of Hai Phong. Over the years of maximizing production through increasingly innovative designs and advanced manufacturing, the facility has recently been certified as GE’s 7th “Brilliant Factory.”


To illustrate the concept and demonstrate just what makes the factory “brilliant” in preparation for the certification launch, GE contacted NOI Pictures about creating compelling visuals including photography and film for use in their external communications.


To optimize the workflow for the single shooting day, the pre-production and planning were a collaborative effort between GE Vietnam and NOI Pictures. Knowing that Hanoi-based videographer Paul Zetter’s expertise in creating films for the development sector would greatly complement GE’s commitment to empowerment, personal development, and community, NOI Pictures’ director & photographer Francois Carlet-Soulages asked if he would take on the job with him.


Paul was eager to join the team: “Any industrial film assignment, especially in an advanced facility like GE’s wind turbine factory, presents great opportunities to highlight the relationship between man and machine – the interface between technology and human operation.” His approach mirrored GE’s vision for the shoot as they were looking to showcase the hi-tech & efficient facility and the highly trained technicians at work utilizing various robotics and electrical control systems used to produce the wind turbine generators and components.


Shoot Day


The initial approach was to shoot in a documentary style with simple but engaging lighting and dynamic close-ups and wide angles, capturing the employees in action and revealing the efficient clean metal production line and shots of the final products focusing inside the factory only.


“[Paul] chose to shoot most of the footage handheld to accentuate the kinetic energy and dynamism of the production line and also to give the focus, skill, and dedication to the GE workers a sense of energy and movement. From filming miniature robotic arms in controlled sterilized labs to enormous lathes and metal cutting machines we mixed the dynamic handheld footage with fixed GoPro footage for time-lapses and interesting angle shots to help bring the whole operation alive and dynamic.”