In October 1879, Edison “perfected” the light bulb | Signify Company Website


October 22, 2019


We travel back to Menlo Park, New Jersey where inventor Thomas Edison used carbonized cotton thread to make a major lighting breakthrough


I haven’t failed — I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison.

The year is 1878, the place is Menlo Park New Jersey. Hot off the success of his phonograph, Thomas Edison has his sights set on the light bulb. He figures he and his team of 40 researchers can come up with a functioning incandescent bulb in three or four months.


But it wasn’t until more than a year later, on the morning of October 22 (after working all through the day of October 21, 1879) that Thomas Alva Edison and his team finally “perfected” the incandescent light bulb. The bulb cost USD 40,000 (about USD 850,000 in today’s money) and burned for slightly more than half a day.