Idiom: Mean business (meaning & examples)

Idiom:  mean business


Idiom:  mean business

  • to be serious about something you say or promise
  • to do what you say you will do

Example sentences

— My father threatened so many times to take away my phone and nothing happened but last night he meant business and confiscated my phone.

— I mean business when I say I’m going to run a marathon in June.

— When we say we have a “no questions, 100% satisfaction guarantee,” we mean business.

— Don’t talk back to your teacher. When she threatens to have you suspended she means business.

— My daughter means business this time about getting better grades. She’s been studying every day and asking us questions when she needs help.

— My girlfriend knew I meant business about our relationship when I asked her to come home to meet my parents at Thanksgiving.

— Hi Mom, can we come over until Friday when I get paid? I didn’t think they meant business but they shut off our electricity yesterday.

— I’m going to lose weight this time. I mean business. I’ve hired a personal trainer, nutritionist and a personal coach to help me with the mental aspect.

— You can tell she means business whenever she puts her requests in writing.

— It looks like my brother means business about his finances. He closed two credit cards today and is having a garage sale to pay down more of his debt.


  • be in earnest
  • bound and determined
  • be set on something
  • dead set on

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