IELTS Vocabulary for Money and Finance – IELTS Benchmark

Here is a sample answer to an IELTS speaking question. Read through the answer and then complete the exercise by choosing the correct word to complete the sentences.

Have you bought anything interesting recently?

Yes, last month I bought a new house which was quite a large expenditure. I have taken out a 20-year mortgage so I will be paying it off until I am 62.


1. I haven’t bought anything that interesting recently because 6 months ago I had to pay a huge hospital for the surgery on a broken foot.

2. I haven’t necessarily bought anything, but I have some spare cash in the stock market. Eventually, I hope to give up my conventional job and live off my .

3. My business made a last year so completely paid off the on my house. Then with what was leftover, I raised the of my employees by 10%.

Are you good at saving money?

1. I am not that great at saving money because I tend to it on things I don’t really need like new clothes, restaurant food, and coffee.

2. Yes I am quite good at saving money because I a specific amount each week that I can on recreation. Once that has finished I don’t touch the rest of my salary because I am to buy a new apartment.