ICON Business Solutions | Fast Track Results For Your Business

The ICON systems were developed in the 90’s and are based on a consulting approach used by the big consulting companies. These have been refined through working with over 7,000 global SME’s, and now represent the most powerful consulting approach in the global market today.

The first stage in the process is to work with the business owner to formulate their business goals, and these are then mapped into an operational plan for each  functional area of the business. We then identify the ‘strategic gap’ for each functional area of the business and set out a strategy plan to get the business on track to the agreed plan.

This change management approach delivers results every time because:

  • The change process is mapped into a clear operational plan for all areas of the business. This is essential as any change in one area of the business will inevitably impact other areas which will also need to be ‘brought into line’.
  • The plan is tailored to the needs of each business.
  • The change process is managed ‘step by step’ to ensure every  business owner can easily implement the agreed action plan.
  • Progress against the plan is reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure the business is on track.
  • Business metrics are provided to validate results at each monthly meeting.

In essence, this robust approach ensures the consulting approach works for every client, every time.