Humanitarian to Humanitarian (H2H) Network

The H2H network provides products and services to other humanitarian organisations. We pursue different goals and come in different shapes and sizes, but we are united by a powerful common purpose – to enable the humanitarian sector to efficiently and effectively assist and protect people affected by disasters.

H2H organizations are engineering new solutions and services that enable the humanitarian sector to perform better. We offer a wide variety of services, generally within standard setting, capacity building, data gathering and information management, communicating with communities, research and learning, as well as security, logistics and standby capacity. We tend to be innovators, developing, testing and modifying new solutions that help the overall sector evolve. While we have many differences, we are united in directly serving humanitarian responders rather than affected populations and by nature tend to be small, lean and agile. Much of the work we do supports the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and accountability of humanitarian response. It is no coincidence that many H2H organisations have aims that are closely aligned with the 10 shared commitments of the Grand Bargain, especially transparency (#1), reduce management costs (#4), needs assessments (#5), and the participation revolution (#6).

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