How to restart network service on CentOS8? – CentOS


by jlehtone » 2019/09/26 06:58:30

There was never a need, but in some special scenarios you had to.

The original purpose of the variable was to tell NetworkManager:
“Thou shall not touch this connection!”

Think what happens IF the NM respects the ‘no’ even if there is nobody else to handle the connection?

Why are you looking at (or worse yet editing) ifcfg-ens3? NetworkManager does not wan’t you to do that.

NM is kind and helpful (like fire).
NM offers


, nmtui, clickety-clack GUI crap and whatnot that will do all the edits for you into files that you are not supposed to ever see.
NM does not support the “hands on files” philosophy. NM believes that humans make a mess.
Old school admins know that NM will mess up, somewhere, somehow.