How to find Facebook Business Manager ID – Interakt – WhatsApp for Business | WhatsApp API Pricing | WhatsApp Business Account

Your business ID corresponds to your Business Manager. You may need your business ID when you share access to information such as monthly invoices or a Facebook pixel.

Steps to find your business ID:

  • Go to Business settings.
  • Click Business info.
  • Below Business Manager info, you’ll see your ID number.

Steps to sign up for Facebook Business Manager?

Business Manager is free to use. To start, first make sure that you have a personal Facebook account to confirm your identity.

Next, sign up for Business Manager:

1. Go to

2. Click Create account.

3. Enter a name for your business, select the primary Page and enter your name and work email address.

Note: If you don’t yet have a Page for your business, create one.

1. Move through the rest of the onboarding flow by entering the rest of the required fields.

2. Learn how to add people to Business Manager.

If you’re a partner or work on ad accounts or Pages on behalf of another business, the business invites you to access specific Pages or ad accounts. You can also request access to their Pages and ad accounts.

Have more assets to add to Business Manager? Learn how to add Pages and ad accounts to Business Manager.

Why should I use Facebook Business Manager if I already have an ad account on Facebook?

If you’re an advertiser on Facebook who shares access to multiple Pages and ad accounts with other people, we recommend that you transition to Business Manager.

– Business Manager is a more secure way to manage your Pages and ad accounts.

– You can see who’s working on what and what they have access to view and work on.

– You can also keep your business separate from your personal Facebook profile.

Facebook Business Manager helps advertisers integrate Facebook marketing efforts across their business and with external partners. You can use this free platform to:

  • Run and track your ads
  • Manage assets such as your Pages and ad accounts
  • Add an agency or marketing partner to help manage your business

Your Facebook Business Manager account is a central space to manage your business, separate from your personal Facebook profile. You don’t have to worry about mixing your business and personal content.

Small to large businesses use Business Manager to organize their business assets and information in one place. You can use Business Manager to control your Facebook assets and make sure that the right people have the correct access.

People who have access to your Pages before you transfer them to Business Manager will maintain their access. None of your ads will be interrupted.

Create a Business Manager if:

  • Your business has a marketing team: You have multiple people who work on your marketing or manage your Facebook or Instagram business presence.
  • You manage assets: You manage multiple Facebook or Instagram assets such as Facebook Pages, ad accounts or apps.
  • You use a vendor: You work with vendors to help create, run or manage your Pages or ads, but want your business to maintain ownership of all your assets.
  • You need control over access and permissions: You want complete jurisdiction over your assets without giving ownership to people who assist your business operations.
  • You want your business to grow: You want to request access to other Pages, ad accounts and apps, or share your own with other agencies.

You want to keep your business secure: Business Manager is gradually introducing new safeguard tools through the new Security Centre to help you maintain control of your assets.