How to choose the size of the convolution filter or Kernel size for CNN?

How to choose the size of the convolution filter or Kernel size for CNN?

Infrastructure for deep learning

  1. 1×1 kernel size is only used for dimensionality reduction that aims to reduce the number of channels. It captures the interaction of input channels in just one pixel of feature map. Therefore, 1×1 was eliminated as the features extracted will be finely grained and local that too with no information from the neighboring pixels.
  2. 2×2 and 4×4 are generally not preferred because odd-sized filters symmetrically divide the previous layer pixels around the output pixel. And if this symmetry is not present, there will be distortions across the layers which happens when using an even sized kernels, that is, 2×2 and 4×4. So, this is why we don’t use 2×2 and 4×4 kernel sizes.