How to Write a Great Product Review for Your Blog
Product reviews are a great venue for marketers to get the word out. Bloggers everywhere write them, but the problem is that not all bloggers write good ones. Often, marketers will use the review format to try to manipulate buyers. Some independent reviewers only post negative opinions, while others simply don’t review the item with the appropriate amount of detail – leaving the reader uninformed and unsure.
Let’s talk about how to write an informative review that people want to read.
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Know the Product’s Features Inside and Out
This is the first, foremost, and probably most obvious tip. Unfortunately, many product reviewers fall short on this. It’s not enough just to mention one or two product features. Not only is such a review unhelpful for readers, but it also conveys a lack of credibility on the reviewer’s part.
Before you start writing your review, take the time to explore every feature the product offers, and explain why these features are great (or, in the case of some products, not so great). For example, a Wired review of the Lenovo Yoga 900 laptop includes detailed product specs, but the reviewer explains why those specs are important.
According to the reviewer, the laptop looks similar to previous models, but its internal specs have improved significantly, and the device’s new battery lasts much longer than in older versions. These snippets of information ultimately paint a detailed picture for the reader.
Include Both Positive and Negative Reactions
A review that is only positive or only negative might alert readers that you have an agenda, whether it’s to promote your own product or to discredit other brands. A “Pros and Cons” section is a necessary feature of any good review. A word of caution, however: Always be honest.
Usually, listing the pros is easy enough. Product manufacturers and advertisers always highlight these above all else. Again, take the time to explore these features to determine if they really are beneficial. Additionally, remember that every product has its cons, no matter how great it is. It’s important to list these as well.
You don’t have to give equal weight to the pros and cons, however. Don’t force yourself to list positive features of a cruddy product – just as you shouldn’t force cons that aren’t really cons. Again, honesty is key.
For example, this Frizz Tips review of Scalp Med, a product made to reverse hair loss, argues that the product is expensive and provides minimal results for some users. However, they do acknowledge positive features like easy application and FDA approval – and that some users do find the product helpful.
Don’t Just Restate Marketing Material
Your review should be authentic and persuasive, but its purpose is not to advertise. Rather, you’ll need to prove that you’re in a position to assert opinions (i.e. that you’re an industry expert) – and that your opinions are authentic. Remember, the manufacturer or company owner’s job is to make the product look great. Your job is to be honest and accurate, even if you feel very positively or negatively about the product in question.
In the Frizz Tips review, for example, the reviewer argues that the product is worth a try, but that people seeking positive results should use it in addition to other solutions for hair loss like diet and natural remedies – making it a good example of a fair, balanced review. Offering these alternative solutions has the added effect of making the reviewer look impartial, which also lends credibility to the reviewer.
Final Thoughts: Good Content Matters
While this guide isn’t all-inclusive, the above tips will help you nail the requisite honest, authentic tone in your writing of a review – but above all else, it’s important to remember that good content will be read and appreciated above all else. Your opinion will tell readers whether the product is meant for them, so treat them with respect by providing helpful information.