How to Write a Business Introduction Letter (Examples)

When a business is expanding, especially during its early stages, business owners would want to reach out to prospects to initiate a business relationship. The most effective way to achieve this would be through a business introduction letter. Business introduction letters ought to be friendly and upbeat, with the hope of further correspondence. This type of letter is typically sent by new businesses to other business owners within the local area or to potential clients made while networking.

While writing a business introduction letter, you should make sure that you create a good first impression for your business. But how does one achieve this? There are several components to include in this kind of letter, especially between audiences such as consumers or other corporations.  This article will guide you on how to write a great business introduction letter. We have also provided free samples that you can use as a reference and templates that you can customize to fit your unique needs.

Business Introduction Letter

A business introduction letter is a letter written by a potential customer or client from a business owner, introducing their business and providing reasons why the recipient might be interested in what the business has to offer. Business introduction letters may be categorized as either business-to-business or business-to-customer.

Business-to-business introduction letter

A business-to-business introduction letter is sent when a company writes to another business introducing their products, services, or intent to another business. The reason behind writing this type of letter is usually to describe a possible partnership, request for investment opportunities, or introduce the type of products and services that a company offers if the company’s market gap is other businesses.

Business-to-customer introduction letter

This type of business introduction letter is written to a company’s clientele or consumers. It is used to introduce a sale, new products into the market, discounted services, or to notify a given market of a new company’s arrival.

Either form of the business introduction letters can take a formal letter format, but it is not necessarily limited to injecting some informal or friendly tones.

Impact of a Well-Written Business Letter

Due to technological advancements and the invention of electric communication over recent years, the impact of ancient business introduction letters is continuously being overlooked by most people. But such a letter still has its impact and personality.

The following are some of the reasons why a well-written business letter is very important:

  • A well-written business letter with a great sales pitch and introduction presented on letterhead can build a more personal connection with a prospective client, thus creating a robust business relationship between the client and the business. Such a letter can deliver the message than an email which would probably join a clutter of messages in the client’s inbox.
  • A well-formatted business letter conveys a sense of professionalism to your clients, especially if it is typed and printed on quality paper and folded neatly. This tells your client that you took the time to write the letter carefully, even before they read the content of the letter, and this subsequently makes them trust your brand as well as the services and products that you offer.
  • A well-drafted business letter is usually written after proper thinking and planning, such that the subject content is presented in a systematic and logical manner. This means that the message conveyed in the letter is clear and free from doubt to your clients, unlike one that is poorly written.

Format of a Business Introduction Letter

As mentioned earlier, the format of a business introduction letter varies depending on your target audience. Thus, it may take different forms. However, while writing this letter.

Consider using the most typical business letter format, which comprises of the following elements:

Margins: Any formal business letter should have half-inch to one-inch margins on the top, bottom and sides. Similarly, your introduction letter should follow that format when it comes to marginalizing your document.

Line spacing: while writing your business introduction letter, consider using single-line spacing. In addition to that, always leave a space before writing another paragraph to make your work look neat and well presented.

Alignment: it is a great idea to use a semi-blocked format where some elements, for example, your contact information and salutation, are aligned to the left while some, for example, the closing statement, are aligned to the right. Equally, you may decide to align all of your work to the left.

Font: The font size of your letter’s subject content should be no smaller than 10-point font and no larger than 12.

Your contact information/sender’s address: Optimally, you might want to have a printed company letterhead to portray that your business is legit. However, if you do not have one yet, type your contact information at the topmost part of the letter, including your name, address, and contact information. The address must be included because you do not want the recipient of your letter to have to look up your address before sending a response.

The Date: Dating the letter is very important because the receiver of your letter needs to know when it was written. For this reason, it would be best if you date your letter using the standard United States Format.

For instance, on February 24, 2021

Receiver’s address: It is important to include the recipient’s address right below the date so that you have the information readily available for printing out the envelope. Similarly, typing the recipient’s address ensures that the letter is not lost in the office shuffle anytime you are sending it out. While writing the recipient’s address, the first line should be the name, then the designation, and the company’s name, in that order. The address, city, state, and zip code should appear in the fourth line.

The salutation: This is your greeting. It should be professional. It is important that you address your reader by name if you are writing a business-to-business introduction letter. It is worth noting that using a colon (:), not a comma (,) after the salutation denotes it is business correspondence.

The Body paragraphs: Typically, business introduction letters comprise three paragraphs. These are the introductory paragraph- which introduces yourself and your business and provides your reason for writing the letter. The middle paragraph includes the details of your business and the services or products that your business offers. The final paragraph concludes your letter by restating your purpose and providing a call to action. Nevertheless, your letter may take four paragraphs based on the type of information you are providing, but you should stay professional, clear, and concise and quickly convey the letter’s message because time is money.

Closing: it is always good to conclude your letter with a formal but friendly and concluding statement.  Closing statements such as “Sincerely” or “Thank you” are better options.

Writing a Business Introduction Letter

Before you embark on writing your business introduction letter, it is a great idea to prepare an outline of how you want your letter to look like. This way, you will find it quite simple to draft the letter.

You can follow the following easy steps to help you write a well-drafted business introduction letter for your business:

Determine the Intent

 Determining the intent of your business introduction letter is the first step of writing a good introduction letter. If, for instance, you recently launched a new business and you want your consumers to know about your products and services, you can write your introduction letter as a business-to-customer letter. If your aim is to reach out to another business, you can opt to write a business-to-business introduction letter. By identifying the intent of the letter before actually starting to write it, you are better positioned to determine the type of information to include in the letter before sending it out, and it also ensures that you have captured all the relevant information.

Research the company or market

After determining the intent of your letter, the next step should involve you researching the company you intend to communicate with, its brand and identity., market, and products or services. Similarly, if you are writing the letter to target your client base, it is best for you to research popular products or services that are in competition with your business and how you can provide information that will convince these clients to seek out your business instead. Researching the company or target market allows you to find out what the target audience wants in terms of tastes and preferences and enables you to come up with a business introduction letter that covers precisely what they want to hear or see.

Identify a need

Once you have done your research on your introduction letter’s target audience, it is easier for you to establish their needs. For instance, if your audience is another business, you might identify that the business has the need for your services. If your target audience is clients, you might find out that they actually need the products your company manufactures. Establishing your target audience’s needs helps you to provide the most relevant information about your business.

Start your letter strongly

Immediately you are done with your research, and you have identified a need, it is time to write the actual letter. Start off your letter strongly with a robust opening statement, for example, using your business’s slogan or a remarkable quote. By doing this, you are able to capture the reader’s attention, and you will gain their interest in wanting to learn more about your business. This ensures that they read throughout your letter.

Include all the relevant information

Based on your letter’s intent and your target market, provide all the relevant details that are suitable to them. Suppose you are writing the business introduction letter to seek a partnership with another business; your relevant details would be the type of products and services you intend to offer in a partnership setting and the partnership parameters. If you are writing the letter to launch a new business into the market, you might only include information such as how your products or services will help better the lives of your clientele.

Provide a call-to-action plan

Right before signing off your letter, include a call to action. This means that you should describe how your audience can communicate back with you or further actions that the recipient may take to get more information about your business. Providing a call to action motivates your target market to interact with you or, rather, continue communicating with your business.


Now once you have provided a call to action, sign off the letter using a closing statement that is more personal to the reader rather than just the cliché closing statements.

Consider using statements like; “warmest wishes, Best regards, Kindest regards,” among others.

Samples and Examples

Here are some samples for you :

Letter of business introduction sample

Dear Mr. Kelvin

We at “Home and Events Ltd” would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our company that’s been involved in the Home design and event organization for the last 6 years.

We have experience in Designing new home furniture and organizing different types of events, from weddings, conferences, to private parties. All our services are met with great satisfaction among all our clients. The positive feedback that we get is something that we are really proud of. We strive to make all our customers happy and keep them coming back.

We provide high-quality home furniture and high-quality service at affordable prices. We’d like to offer our services at your new restaurant. Our marketing consultant will contact you shortly to provide you with more details and answer any questions that you may have concerning the same.

Please feel free to ask him any questions relating to the offer that you may need further clarifications on.

We are looking forward to working with you


John Mitch

Sales and Marketing Director

Business introduction letter to customer

Hi Pauline,

This is Mark Anthony from Silverton Inc.; if you didn’t get an opportunity to check out our new website, we are glad to inform you that we have introduced great products and services that could benefit you.

Our creative all-in-one studio is located in the Sues Valley. Rather than bringing the shoot to your hotel or office, we have opted to buy our own to make it much more convenient for you.

Models from all over the state are checking in for their shoot at reception and are allocated a room according to the order of arrival. When it is time for them to take photos, they all join our team of professional photographers in a separate room, furnished with state-of-the-art equipment.

With our all-in-one studios and several rooms, we can accommodate up to 500 models at a go.

If this sounds like something you may be interested in, we offer all our managers very generous service fees. So kindly get in touch!


Steve White

Sales Manager

Download Free Business Introduction Letter Templates

As much as it might seem easy to draft business introduction letters, some people may find it quite challenging to decide what information to include in the letter to effectively communicate their business intent. This is why we have provided free and premium Business Introduction letter templates that are customizable and printable for your own convenience. Download our Templates now to help you get started.

Professional Tips

Whether you are a newbie in the community or you want to expand your market, a business introduction letter is necessary whenever you are trying to communicate with your prospects.

While writing a business introduction letter, you might want to consider the following tips and tricks:

Be slightly informal

Although it is important to remain formal since it is an official letter, it is good to use an informal, friendly tone alongside the official one. If you have been in business for some time, you probably realize that business is all about fostering the right kind of relationship with clients and reaching out to people. Being slightly informal in your letter makes your reader feel good about the new business that you are launching, and this is certainly good for you and your business.

A common ground

Introduce yourself by establishing a common ground, such as stating a business function that you both attended, a mutual friend, or the fact that you legitimately have a service they might be interested in.

Give your details coherently

While writing the letter, be clear with what you want to say. This requires that you also provide your contact information. You wouldn’t want the recipient to call you, later on to check up on the details or have them look up your address just so they can give you a response. It is very important that you provide all the relevant details.

Explain what you can do or provide

A good business introduction letter should contain some gist of the deal you have in mind. Readers want to find out how they will benefit from your business. Therefore, explain well in the letter what you intend to do or provide. Don’t leave your readers guessing about what it is that you want to do.

Be brief and concise

Time management is of great essence to most people, and this includes your target audience. People don’t want to take a lot of time reading through your letter; therefore, it would be best if you keep it between 300 and 400 words. To accomplish this, just include the necessary details that you’d want the reader to know about your business.  Avoid being too wordy or providing details that make your intent unclear.

Review and proofread

Before sending your business introduction letter, make sure to review it and proofread to checking for any typing mistakes, spellings, and grammar errors. Additionally, ensure that your recipient’s name is written correctly. After reviewing and proofreading your work, format it appropriately.

Sign your letter by hand

To add a personal touch to your letter, you might want to sign it by hand to make a great first impression.


How long should a business introduction letter be?

The recipients of a business introduction letter are probably busy professionals. They want to quickly peruse your letter and understand your point right away. For this reason, you should keep your letter to a single- page using short sentences and short paragraphs. Preferably, summarize it using 300 to 400 words.

Can one send the business introduction letter via email?

Yes! If you have the recipient’s email address, then you can send your introduction letter via email. In any case, emails are faster means of business correspondence compared to mailing.

Writing a good business introduction letter is a better strategy for forging new connections with your business prospects. They help you introduce yourself to a potential new client, another company, distributors, investors, or other individuals to describe products or services that you offer.  Mastering the art of writing a great business introduction is essential as it is the only way you can create and maintain business relationships even as your company grows and expands to new territories.