How to Start a Book Blog
Do you enjoy reading and recommending books to your friends? Or perhaps you are a writer wanting to create your own website and reach a wider audience? This step by step beginner’s guide will help you to create a book blog – the perfect platform for sharing good books with the rest of the world.
Book Blogging – The Facts
Blogging may sound old-school, but it actually plays a big part in the global publishing industry, and it’s particularly useful for small independent publishers and self-published authors. Imagine you have just published a book (either through a small press or by yourself). You’ll want to promote it, get lots of reviews on Amazon (more reviews = higher rankings) and let the world know about your new work. Book blogging can help in two key ways:
1) Book bloggers will often review your book in return for a free copy, creating social media interest, reaching a wider audience and increasing sales. The more often people hear positive comments about your book, the more likely they are to buy it.
2) Authors need websites, and websites need two things: interesting content and good search engine rankings. If you add a blog to your website, you’ll start to get more views, more interest and more book sales – search engines prefer websites which add new content on a regular basis, and people like that too!
How to Start a Book Blog: A Step by Step Guide provides advice for those wishing to simply review other people’s books, and also for writers who want to promote their own work through blogging.
Here’s an outline of what’s included in the book:
Chapter 1: Which Kind of Book Blog?
Consider the different kinds of book blogs, and decide which one will work best for you.
Chapter 2: The Research Stage
Begin to research other book blogs, think about your audience, pick a name for your blog and choose a hosting site.
Chapter 3: The Planning Stage
Choose your blog’s theme, plan your structure and create social media accounts.
Chapter 4: Preparation & Search Engine Optimisation
Start creating content, plan your launch and consider search engine optimization.
Chapter 5: Content Creation
Create pages, start writing book reviews and try writing other kinds of posts such as an author interview or listings page.
Chapter 6: Some Useful Tips
Useful tips on various topics including how to get hold of free books, blog maintenance, formatting images, the virtual blog tour and how to make money from your book blog.
You can purchase the book as a paperback or an ebook, and I’ll be posting some additional information here soon. Subscribe to this blog to receive regular top tips on book blogging as well as examples of book reviews.
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