How to Set up an Access Point – Explained by LigoWave

The purchase of new equipment for home or office always entails a minor potential inconvenience of setting it up. Of course, some people enjoy tinkering around the house, so installing new devices is nothing but a delight. However, there are also people who find it a chore, who want to get it over with as soon as possible, or who do not want to risk damaging the equipment.LigoWave is here to make your access point setup experience simple and smooth. Below are some general guidelines on how to set up an access point and what is necessary for the setup.Please note that these guidelines are of general nature and may differ depending on the device or system.There are several things that users will need in order to set up their access points:

Several other items may also be needed depending on the hardware and situation. This may include a modem, access point driver/suite installation discs, extension cords, wall mounts, and other elements.

Setup. Step 1. Deploy the Router/Switch. If there is no router or switch installed yet, do so:

1. Find a good spot for the device.

If it is a wireless router, place it in a location that would be appropriate, keeping the potential location of the access point in mind. This guarantees effective distribution of coverage and minimized interference levels.

If it is a switch or a wired router, then deploy it in a location where it would not interfere with any activities and the surrounding interior solutions.

2. Connect the router to a power outlet and switch it on. PoE-compatible devices will not require a power outlet—just an Ethernet cable. Also, some devices turn on automatically as soon as they are connected to a power source.

1. Find a good spot for the device.2. Connect the router to a power outlet and switch it on. PoE-compatible devices will not require a power outlet—just an Ethernet cable. Also, some devices turn on automatically as soon as they are connected to a power source.