How to Optimize Your Internet for Gaming to Reduce Lag

1. Run A Speed Test To Optimize Your Internet & Reduce Gaming Lag

The best thing to do first is to run a free speed test. This tool will help you to find out what the baseline is for your internet performance. Remember that many providers use throttling to control use during peak times. You will want to check your speeds at various times of the day to get a good idea of the performance of your internet.

As a rule of thumb, you will need anything above 20 Mbps for an ideal gaming experience. When your internet speeds fall below this threshold, lagging and other performance issues are common. This is particularly true with competitive or multi-player gaming. Running a speed test can help you to know if your base internet speeds are fast enough to support your gaming plans.

Speed testing peak times can also tell you why you have been having issues during some times of the day. In some cases, there is nothing that can be done about this performance issue other than avoiding these peak times for some activities that you want to enjoy.

One reason EPB is a top-rated internet provider is that they never throttle or limit your internet connection. However, not all internet providers are the same so contact your provider to find out if they can promise the same.