How to Make a LinkedIn Business Page & Use LinkedIn for Business | Mailchimp

    As soon as your page is published, you can begin growing your audience. These tips will help you establish quality connections and get the most out of your marketing on LinkedIn.

  • Encourage employee connections. Ask employees, partners, and other professionals you know to connect with your business and encourage them to share your content. LinkedIn’s algorithm uses these connections to place your business higher in search results, so every new follower helps extend the potential reach of your profile and the content you share.

  • Reuse content. You don’t have to create brand new content exclusively for LinkedIn. You can save a lot of time (and money) by recycling older content that you think will be relevant to your audience. Keep in mind that LinkedIn is a place for businesses and professionals, so content that didn’t perform well on Facebook or Twitter might end up generating more engagement on LinkedIn—or vice versa.

  • Participate in industry-relevant groups. These micro-audiences are full of industry professionals and potential customers who are interested in the expertise and experience that your business brings to the table. Offering your unique take on industry topics will help forge those all-important connections while simultaneously establishing your credibility.

  • Post content regularly. It’s important to establish your page as a valuable resource that audiences can continuously visit to gain new insights, find solutions, and catch up on industry trends. Ideally, this will be content that you’ve created, but feel free to share helpful articles and resources that you find on the internet, too.

  • Utilize LinkedIn ads. When you’re ready to extend the reach of your page beyond your existing connections, you may want to consider advertising on LinkedIn. In just a few minutes, you can choose the audience you’d like to target, create unique ads, decide how much you want to spend, and start attracting new customers.

  • Pay attention to data. LinkedIn provides valuable information that can help you effectively optimize your page. By studying the engagement metrics on all of your posts, monitoring audience trends, and keeping a watchful eye on your competitors, you’ll have data-backed insights into which content formats work best, which topics resonate with audiences, what time you should be posting, and so much more.