How to Create a Facebook Business Manager Account – Interrupt Media

Are you a business owner and want to leverage Facebook’s social media business features or perhaps create a Facebook ad account to enhance your marketing efforts? Well, you’re not alone. In this article, we will attempt to answer some of the most frequently asked questions by you and other business owners, such as:

  • “What’s the difference between a Facebook profile and a Facebook page?
  • “What’s Facebook Business Manager and why do I need it?
  • “How do I set up Business Manager on Facebook?”
  • “What would be the best way to create a Facebook business manager account?”

So let’s get started and help you in setting up a Facebook business.

Personal Facebook Profile vs Facebook Business Page

A Facebook Profile is a personal Facebook account and is used by an individual for personal activities such as communicating with friends, posting, and liking/commenting on others’ posts.

A Facebook Page is for companies and brands who will use Facebook for professional marketing purposes. For this reason, you can only run an ad account on your Facebook Page, and not on a personal account.

What is FB Business Manager? Why use it?

Facebook Business Manager is the next step for businesses who plan to leverage Facebook for their business. Business Manager functions as a centralized control system where you can create and manage everything about your business assets, tools, and take advantage of Facebook Ads and create your Facebook pixel.

Thanks to their acquisition, you can also now link your business Instagram accounts to create greater impact through your social media marketing.

We highly recommend you set up Business Manager if you have:

  • A business or service point with multiple clients, multiple ad accounts, and ad campaign reporting requirements. Since 2018, Facebook has made it compulsory for businesses to use Business Manager if any of their accounts use custom audiences from email lists.
  • A relatively bigger team spread across different locations.
  • You own a defined target audience that you want to reach out to using marketing campaigns to increase sales.
  • Multiple web properties and blogs.

When you create your Facebook Business Manager account, you need to associate a business page with the Facebook Manager. Please note that if you don’t have a Facebook Page or Facebook Ads Manager to use for your Facebook advertising campaigns, the Business Manager will let you create one.

Business Manager is a completely separate workspace and does not interfere with your personal Facebook profile. In fact, Facebook lets you create a business account even if you don’t own a personal profile.

How to create a Facebook Business Manager account

Creating a Business Manager Account

  • Log in to
  • Click Create Account.
  • Give your new page a name.
  • Enter your business name, your name, business phone number, address, and the work email address which you will use to operate this account.
  • Click “Confirm” and check your email for the confirmation of account creation.
  • In the email, click on “Confirm now”. Now your account is ready to go!

One thing to keep in mind: Although every business is not required to be verified on Facebook, without verifying it, you won’t be able to use certain features. Check here to see if you need to verify your business.

Verifying your Business Details

Now, from your business manager home page, navigate to Business Settings → Business Info. Check “Business Verification Status” Under “Business Details”. If it says “unverified”, it means you will know you need to verify your business details.

To verify your business details:

  • Click on “View details”. It will take you to the security center.
  • The third tab is “Business Verification”.
  • Click “Continue” and start verifying business details.
  • Follow the directions and enter the email ID when asked.
  • You should receive a 5-digit code in your email inbox, enter that code as the last step, and click “Submit”.
  • This should complete the verification process.

Verify your domain

In some cases, if you may find the “Business Verification” button greyed out, thus making you unable to take any action. In this case, you must first verify your business domain before verifying your business details. You can do this with one of two methods:

  • Go to the Business Settings drop-down menu→ Brand Safety → Domain. Here you will find instructions on two methods for verifying a domain:
    1. HTML file upload, or
    2. DNS TXT record.
  • Follow the instructions to get your domain verified.
  • Once your domain is verified, you can begin to verify your business details from the “Business Verification” page.

Please note that domain verification and business verification are two different things. While business verification is required to request access to certain Facebook products and developer features, domain verification lets you claim the content privileges when you prove your ownership for a domain.

How to create a new ads account on Facebook

Now that you’ve created your Facebook Business Manager account, if you wish to run ads on Facebook, this next portion will help you do that.

First, you’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to create a new ad account as an Ads Manager account is automatically part of your Facebook business page. However, there are a few extra steps you must take to begin creating Facebook ads.

Confirm Your Ad Account Info

From your business page admin access screen, navigate to the Settings menu -> Ad Account Settings.

If you have multiple business pages, you’ll have to select the page name for the account you want to create ads for.

You will note that you’ve been automatically assigned an Ad Account ID. You can also adjust your timezone and currency if need be.

Under the settings, you will need to fill in your business information in order to ensure you adhere to advertising guidelines. Be sure to click on “Save Changes” when you’re done.

Set up Your Payment Method

Go back to the Settings drop-down and select “Payment Settings”.

Navigate to “Add Payment Method” and fill in the required information and click “Continue”.

Also, be sure to set your spending limits via the “Set Your Account Spending Limits” menu to ensure that you don’t go over budget on your ad campaigns.


That’s it! Now you have successfully set up a Facebook Business Manager Account and are ready to utilize Facebook Ads Manager to supplement your social media marketing efforts. If you need some guidance on executing a successful Facebook Ads campaign for your business, please feel free to reach out.

Topics: B2B Marketing, Digital Marketing, Paid Media, Social Media