How To Develop Effective Communication Within A Company

It should come as no surprise that in business communication, the main topic is business itself. The greater the effectiveness of such communication, the greater the likelihood of business development.

But the process of communication is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon, which undoubtedly has its own technologies to navigate (but is not limited to just tech). From my perspective, the main element in communication has always been, and will always remain, the individual. In spite of one’s position, salary and status, it’s their personality, perception, reactions and so on that define the quality of communication. German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is famously quoted to have said, “Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image.” I believe that says it all.

Just consider the results of a recent study by The Economist Intelligence Unit, which found that poor communication can affect your business and lead to undesired results, including: delaying or failing to complete projects, lowered morale, increased stress, missed performance goals and hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost sales.

Think of these numbers: Companies invest heavily on strategies, marketing, branding and so on, notwithstanding financial resources might be equally suited internally for something that’s critical and not functioning, namely communication.

Who’s responsible for effective communication in the workplace?

I believe the quality of communication is influenced by two subjective factors, each of which might create a misunderstanding.

The first factor is people’s expectations about others, which, on one hand, create an illusion that all people are the same — that they perceive things the same, process them the same and understand them the same. But when it suddenly becomes clear that we are, in fact, not the same, I’ve seen that people often smoothly shift into a different line of thinking: that we are all different and that we will never understand one another. When this happens, one might lose their motivation (and such behavior is common for all of us) and begin to look for others who are similar until their next disappointing interaction.

This process continues to repeat itself given that, as a general rule, people tend to believe the cause of misunderstanding is attributable to others. Therefore, the second factor that influences communication is about personal responsibility. Who do you think is really responsible for business communication, a sender or a recipient? In fact, both are equally responsible, but the scope of responsibility is different.

The sender is responsible for:

• Attracting and holding the attention of others.

• Delivering a message clearly and answering questions.

• Ensuring that people understand them and paraphrasing if needed.

The recipient is responsible for:

• Being attentive and focusing on others.

• Actively listening and asking questions if needed.

• Providing feedback that the initial message is understood.

Communication is considered effective when the message understood by the recipient is identical to the message understood by the sender. This is the one essential criterion.

How To Encourage Effective Communication

To ensure your workplace is one that enables successful communication, it’s important to first understand what demonstrates a lack of effective communication within companies, such as:

• Conflicts and misunderstandings between departments, teams and colleagues.

• Incorrect implementation of strategies, agreements or plans.

• An atmosphere that does not include collaboration, openness and trust.

• No initiative to communicate, ask for help, share or criticize.

• The employees’ inability to identify with the company’s mission and vision.

• High staff turnover, despite adequate remuneration and scheduling.

If you’re seeing any of these signals, you likely need to work on your communication techniques.

1. Start by explaining the motivation behind changing poor communication habits. Employees should understand the purpose of this change, which can be promoted through stories of success and how they benefit from the outcome. You can also ask for additional input from formal and informal leaders who support the change. A measure of the success at this level is when staff shows interest and starts generating ideas.

2. Next, educate people about characteristics that make us different. With that, practice the technologies of effective communication. I believe a corporate training format is always the best option, given that it transforms the communication process from reactive to proactive.

In proactive communication, a person finds the origins of reality in themselves, while in reactive communication they believe that the origins are in others. According to Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, proactivity is one of the most important qualities of any successful person, not to mention leaders, whose efforts are directly associated with the achievements of any company. Success at this level can be measured by an increase in the frequency of interactions between employees, teams and departments.

3. The final step is to start implementing common standards of communication. These standards should be first established in one team or department to address terminology, channels of exchanging information, level of urgency, expected results, employees’ roles, needed feedback, deadlines, etc. Special forms with a brief description of each business interaction do create effectiveness. This step might incorporate paperwork, brainstorming, group discussions, case studies, etc. The measure of success at this level is a noticeable positive atmosphere within employees who begin to sense the first tangible effects of change. Then these standards can be promoted throughout the entire company.

Success in business still remains as one of the most challenging facets in today’s turbulent economy. External factors are now more volatile and unpredictable; more importantly, a constructive and operable system from the “inside” is paramount to survive such conditions. Ensuring functionality under such conditions is based on two components, people and finances, which are strongly interconnected. Competent leaders do play a role whereby they react to challenges, but effective leaders with a developed proactive attitude address challenges before they manifest.