How TechCrunch Makes Money Blogging – Apply Same Methods

For sure we all as bloggers have one major target which is making money online and so would love to know how the big guns are able to make huge returns in terms of revenue on their blogs.

In this post, I’ll be explaining to you how TechCruch, a giant tech blog and company is able to generate millions of dollars with their blog annually.

Most times when people see articles on making money blogging, they conclude within themselves that Adsense is definitely the number one publishing network you would be talking about , but in the case of TechCrunch, this is far from it.

A Little Background Story

Anyway, let me get you conversant with this tech company in question. TechCrunch is a Tech News blog that blogs majorly on latest technology trends and start-ups. It was started by Michael Arrington on the 11th of June 2005, obviously 9 years old as at time of this post. According to the story on their about page;

“The big break for TechCrunch came, however, in October 2006 when Arrington first broke the news of YouTube’s acquisition by Google, landing the hobbyist on the homepage of the Wall Street Journal’s Marketplace section and marking an important turning point for the site – and for new media. Thereafter, Arrington’s TechCrunch was no longer relegated to simply providing opinion about breaking news; it became a complete news outlet in its own right. By 2008, Time Magazine recognized Arrington as one of the World’s 100 Most Influential People.”

This had actually influenced his blog into getting millions of monthly visitors from around the globe and monetizing the traffic never escaped this young webprenuer .

How The Blog Generates Revenue

It’s quite simple, though they don’t run any ad publishing networks ads on their blog, they make their money simply by advertising (Banner Ads).  If you load the site’s homepage, you would be welcomed with the slide and 2 Banner Ads above the fold.

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how techcrunch make money online

Banner Ads are the source of revenue for this Tech Giant company. It is said from statistics that the blog generates around $400,000 (Four Hundred Thousand Dollars) on a monthly basis.

The Ad Banner spaces available at TechCrunch are been paid for on a CPM basis and not clicks, and their CPM prices range from $19.25 to $36.50 per CPM. CPM ads are paid for on a thousand impressions. Considering the huge amount of traffic they get over there, common, you would agree with me that the revenue might even be larger than stated above.

Things To Learn From TechCrunch To Make Money With Blogging

1. Be Unique

Despite the increasing number of Technology blogs out there, this tech giant has proven to be unique in their own way by focusing on their niche and area of coverage, breaking tech news and filling a vacuum instead of copying others. Carving a niche for your blog is one thing you must bear in mind if you ever wish to become successful and make money with it.

2. Post Like Mad

The truth after I conducted this experiment is, an increase in your blog post numbers or frequency would result in a spiking increase in traffic. As much as it is necessary to post quality articles, quantity also matters a lot and has resulted in more traffic which has a direct on the revenue this blog bags.

3. Perseverence

Most people venture into blogging thinking this is a get rich quick scheme, but truth be told, it requires a lot of smart-work, hard-work and patience. As I stated earlier, the money didn’t start flowing from the day of beginning, but the ability to persevere and still run the blog 9 years later after it was created has yielded such tremendous results for the company.

Finally, to make money online as a blogger requires hardwork and patience. With time, your hard-work would pay off and you’ll have your name ringing in the blogosphere as another success story just like this one.

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