How Safe Are Hotel Business Centers? – Bekins Moving Solutions

When you travel for business, one of the things you are probably looking for when booking your accommodations aside from top-notch rooms is whether or not the hotel is conducive to getting any work done.  Part of the draw of many hotels for the savvy business traveler is the presence of a business center within the hotel.

But, how safe are hotel business centers?  The truth is, they could be safer and we suggest you move forward with caution.  We’ve put together some things to keep in mind when looking for a hotel that will provide you with a user-friendly experience when it comes to staying connected with the office.

Secure or Convenient?

If you have the option, always go with the Ethernet connection within the hotel room.  Sure, wireless is a lot more convenient, but the wired Internet connection is a lot more secure.  And either way, before you connect, turn off “File and Printer Sharing” options on your computer.

What Safe Hotspot?

If you absolutely must use wireless, try and go to a hotspot that provides secure connections.  Keep an eye out for safe providers and also ask your hotel what sort of Internet security they offer.

Free Business Centers Often Have a Cost

The hotel’s business center may be considered a cutting edge amenity but should be an absolute last resort.  Use the business center computers only when you cannot use your own computer, but do so at your own risk.  Remember, a shared computer means that anyone could have installed any type of spyware on the machine.

Lance Grooms