How Did Thomas Edison Build The Light Bulb – 409 Words | Bartleby

In 1821, Michael Faraday created the electric motor, which led the way for other inventions like the light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison in 1879 and the refrigerator, invented by Jacob Perkins in 1834. The light bulb helped to provide a stable source of lighting during the night, and helped to shift from the working schedule of dawn to dusk, and in turn get more things done. It also helped to create a nightlife, where there was for the first time of entertainment in the evening and during the night, with theatres now being able to perform at times other than during the day. One example of this is the Savoy Theatre in London, England, shown in Appendix A. The Savoy theatre in 1881 was the first public building in the world to be entirely lit with electricity. The refrigerator is another example of the importance of electricity, as it allowed food to be kept for a lot longer than before. Meats could now be kept for weeks, which was a lot easier than the 24 hours of before. These are examples of the importance of electricity, and how important entrepreneurs and inventors were to the progression of the Industrial