How Can I Check Out an Online Business?

Doing business online is helpful for consumers looking to get the best deal and find products and services that are not available at local establishments. However, consumers who do business online must be careful to avoid scams and unreliable companies. Always do your research before you give money or personal information to an Internet business.

Location and Policies

If you are unfamiliar with a website that sells products or services, be sure to learn the physical location and phone number of the company. If a company does not make this information readily available or hesitates to offer it when contacted, consider doing business elsewhere. Make sure the business offers information about refunds and returns and lets you know what can be done if you have a problem with your order, recommends the BBB, and read all the fine print to make sure you get what you are expecting at the price you intend to pay.

Safety and Reliability

Check for reliability seals from consumer protection programs, such as the Better Business Bureau. Do a search for the business at to find out if it has been accredited by the BBB. To view complaints made against a business, click “check out a business or charity” at Make sure the site is secure if you plan to make an online payment there. When you come to the screen that asks for your payment information, the prefix of a secure site should read “https” instead of “http.” The BBB recommends visiting and entering the web address of the business into the domain name search box to see who owns the site and view their contact information.

Additional Tips

When possible, consider making an initial small purchase from an online business you have not dealt with in the past to make sure the transaction is handled properly before you make larger purchases. Pay with your credit card instead of offering your bank account information. According to the Federal Trade Commission, this gives you protection under the Fair Credit Billing Act, which allows you to dispute unauthorized charges.


Beware of websites that request payment via a private courier or overnight delivery service. According to the BBB, this could mean they are trying to avoid being charged with postal fraud.