Henley Executive MBA – Malta Business School

The Henley Flexible Executive MBA is an intense and rewarding experience, offering new opportunities and challenges. Programme members will be challenged about their business thinking and the practical art, science and craft of management, thus grooming them for senior leadership roles.

The cohorts for each flexible Executive MBA programme are middle to senior managers and executives, with a number of years of supervisory and managerial experience. The corporate experiences of each programme member will be shared through discussions within their learning team, to the benefit and enrichment of all concerned.

The Henley Malta office offers this top-rated Business Masters qualification as a blend of weekend workshops (circa once every 8 weeks) and online learning and support, combining the distance learning model with the modular taught programme. Through its academic tutors, personal tutors, and administrative staff the Henley Malta office will assist you throughout this demanding and exciting learning journey.

Intakes are generally held once a year, with the Leadership & Personal Development workshop delivered in October. Besides Maltese nationals and International professionals living in Malta, programme members for the flexible Executive MBA are expected to hail from the following countries:

  • Europe: Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain & Portugal,
  • North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt & Libya,
  • Middle East: Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria & United Arab Emirates.

The Henley MBA is an MQF/EQF Level 7 qualification with 180 credits.

What You Study

The Henley MBA is a journey in three Stages. The First Stage relates to the internal management of an organisation, focusing on specific areas of management like people, processes and finance. The Second Stage relates to business choices – a critical aspect in every manager’s life, presenting insights in global environment and strategic direction, strategic marketing and reputation and responsibility touching also on governance aspects. The Third and last Stage of the journey will help transform you into a manager who makes a difference. Here you deal with leadership and change as well as how, as a manager, you build knowledge and apply it in a management role.

In this last Stage you can also chose an elective which in itself carries two options: Option A is an online elective in an area of your choice; Option B is an International Study Visit organised by Henley.

For all the modules you will be required to present your ideas and understanding in the form of a consultation report, answering questions as set out by leading academics working at Henley. Your work will be independently assessed and moderated by international business and academic leaders who form part of Henley’s world class team.

At the end of Stage One you will also be required to sit for an examination that relates to a real life situation in business and how you, as a Henley MBA programme member, can distinguish yourself.

During the final Stage you will equip yourself with research approaches: design, review, data collection, analysis and in-depth writing. Through these skills you will generate relevant and practical solutions or recommendations for either a research-based consultancy project (Integrated Business Project) or an accademic piece of writing (Dissertation).

Duration of Programme

This MBA is an intensely personal experience that fits into your schedule while still giving you the power to change yourself and the business world as you learn. The Flexible Executive programme is 2.5 years long and studied over three Stages. Each Stage is 10 months long.

Delivery of Programme

This international programme is highly participative, which combines personal learning and group work. It emphasises personal development and is delivered in a format that focuses on individual and collaborative learning but uses individual assessments.

The taught element of the Henley Flexible Executive MBA is delivered through a series of workshops. Workshops are delivered over three or two consecutive days, once every two months. Workshops signify the start of a module and are supported by online learning resources relevant to the subject of study. To get the most from the workshops, it is recommended that you read the preparatory work before the actual workshop.
The module material is found through the Henley virtual learning environment (Canvas). Each module is built upon core concepts split over easily accessible folders, including videos, audio clips and reading material. You will also find suggestions for further reading around each topic. Each module is individually assessed though an assignment. At the end of Stage One you will also need to sit for an exam.

Your studies will be supplemented by guided independent reading from ARC (Academic Resource Centre) Online. You will also have opportunities for online chat regarding the modules to broaden understanding supported by subject tutors, and you will be encouraged to keep a reflective journal as part of your personal development. Studying in this way is a rewarding experience and guidance on how to do this effectively is discussed extensively during your Stage One Leadership & Personal Development workshop.

All workshops are delivered in Malta, except for the Leadership & Personal Development workshop in Stage One. This first workshop is delivered at Henley Business School UK.

Attendance at the Leadership & Personal Development Workshop is compulsory and you are advised to block the remaining workshop dates out in your diary at the start of the programme. The study schedule for the duration of your programme will be available to you prior to the start of the Henley MBA programme, and this indicates the level of commitment required to progress successfully. Not only will attendance at the workshops make your learning journey a far more fruitful and enjoyable one (ultimately giving you a better return for your investment) but through the many opportunities for group work it will support you and other individuals in your learning teams, maintaining the mutual support, motivation and commitment to your studies.

A programme member is expected to prepare adequately before coming to workshops using the materials specified in the online learning platform. This prior reading will allow a Henley programme member to discuss the concepts and theories of each subject area in relation to management practice and share views with other programme members. A variety of learning approaches are used to enrich the learning experience.

Henley believes that learning depends on a the relationships between learner, subject tutor and other programme members. Each party has a distinct responsibility as follows:

  • Learners define the depth of their learning needs, relative to their current competence, and select from various opportunities for learning according to their requirements.
  • The subject tutor provides knowledge and expertise that is relevant to the learners’ needs, and designs suitable opportunities for the application and synthesis of knowledge and the development of intellectual and practical/behavioural skills.
  • Fellow programme members actively and respectfully contribute their experience and alternative perspectives both to challenge and enrich understanding of practice, and to give feedback to others on the practical/behavioural skills that are defined in the programme specification.
  • Given that people generally feel more comfortable sharing complex knowledge when they have met face to face, workshops are considered to be a critical part of the blend of learning opportunities, which stimulate and maintain the vitality of interactions online.

Academic Resource Centre

The ARC Online contains a wealth of resources to support your studies, including full-text journal articles, financial and market research databases, ebooks, faculty papers, a guide to study skills and much more. Access to this dedicated Henley Business School resource is complemented by additional access to the vast learning resources at the University of Reading. The module materials provide the core information required to pass all the assessment criteria. However, to gain full value from the programme, you will be encouraged to read around topics from different perspectives and delve into business and academic papers.