Health Insurance for Florida | Florida Blue

What do I need to know about in-network doctors?

Think of it this way: in-network is about getting health care from the broad range of providers who are part of your health plan. So, for in-network, that means a group of doctors, hospitals and other health care providers have agreed to give you discounted rates because you’re a Florida Blue member. We negotiate for you, so, you’ll have less out-of-pocket costs when you get care. And they can’t send you a bill for more than what has been agreed to–this is called balance billing and you’re safe from it.

Out-of-network means you’re getting care from providers who aren’t part of your health plan. You’ll probably have higher out-of-pocket costs when you see an out-of-network provider and they may balance bill you for the full amount for your care. Don’t worry–if it’s an emergency, you’re always covered. 
Staying in-network guarantees you cost savings because of the pre-negotiated, discounted rates. So, depending on your needs, it pays to stay in your health plan’s network.

Learn more about how you are protected from balance billing and surprise medical bills.