HR Business Partners | Human Resources

Find Your Business Partner

The Office of Human Resources is committed to enhancing the way we work to best serve Tulane employees.  In response to feedback we’ve received, the Employee Relations team in the Office of Human Resources has adjusted our business model to better serve our customers.  Each department will now have a designated HR Business Partner (HRBP) to support your business needs.  The HR Business Partner will serve as a liaison for Human Resources related issues and will work with departments to translate operational needs into HR solutions to drive performance as shown below.

Consultant: HR Business Partners have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the policies and practices of effective people management. This is demonstrated by the HRBPs providing pragmatic advice and solutions; and translating operational needs into HR solutions to drive performance.

Change Leader/Strategist: HR Business Partners contribute in a way that anticipates and shapes direction, rather than reacting to issues as they arise. By evolving the HR role to be more anticipatory, managers will see that HRBPs are supporting the future direction of the organization. 

Focus on Customer: HR Business Partners create value, in a supportive and collaborative way, which is defined by the organizations they support.  The quality of decision making is enhanced by consultation with HRBP.  

Thought Leader: This is achieved by being credible, respected professionals who are able to positively influence business direction, which translates into positive business outcomes.